Friday, August 31, 2007


It was painful yesterday, but I cut the tops of my tomatoes off. I felt like I was torturing them as I did it. The plants are loaded with tomatoes, but they are not ripening. So, out I went to cut all new blossoms off and the tops of most of the plants went away as well. I've never had this problem before. My tomatoes usually only get a foot tall and not very wide, with just a few tomatoes on each plant. This year, the plants look like a jungle out in my raised bed. I think we are even going to get corn. It was so far behind that I truly doubted a harvest, but we have nice sized ears coming on, and I would guess by next week, we will be enjoying fresh corn. The beans have done well, and are still producing, and my peas are producing again. The carrots look like they are about ready to pull and start enjoying. Yum....I love fresh stuff out of the garden! I even picked about 10 plums off our small yellow plum tree. The fruit is a bit tart, but not bad. It's almost starting to feel like home here. We just need to get some dirt and grass in the backyard, and continue the garden area, and it will be really nice. However, archery season is upon us, so some projects will be put on the back burner for now. I would just love to get the yard finished and enjoy it, but it all takes a lot of time, effort, and money, so we pace ourselves. The front yard is looking nice, I just need to get out and cut down the dead stuff and we need to finish the front porch with some type of railing or posts. It's amazing how much needs finished or redone here, considering we bought a home that had only been lived in for five months. The contractor obviously didn't find it necessary to provide many of the finishing touches outside, like a yard, and inside they did the cheapest paint possible, so we are finding that most rooms need a good coat of paint. We have replaced the ugly lights they put in this house, the cheaper the better seemed to be the theme. There's never a dull moment when owning a home! I think we are just getting around to wanting to do stuff now because we had just remodeled in Sandpoint before we knew we were moving-new flooring, new paint, new lights-so we were tired of it by the time we moved in and just lived with it for a year, but now we are making it our home, with our special touches. I'm sure we will be doing that for many years to come, as it's a never-ending process. We have a lot of vision of what we would like to see done around here. It's good to have a place to call home.

"He is happiest, be it king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." ~Goethe

A house is built with boards and beams,A home is built with love and dreams.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good News

"Every thought we think changes our biochemistry. Your hormones are all affected by your thoughts. Pay attention to things that bring you joy. When I read the newspaper, I look for the good news." — Dr. Christiane Northup

It's a challenge, but I am up for it. I am looking for good news. I know it's out there. I know people still do good to others and that wonderful things take place around this world. Unfortunately, society seems to like the bad news, the how bad the Hollywood crowd is being today news, the look how destructive our world has become news. The media points out all the bad the youth of today do, but I work with over 500 kids a week, and many of them are doing good. Did you know that there are thirty kids from the Post Falls area in Africa right now helping a village get water and food? Did you know that a group of 12 to 14 year olds from the Coeur d'Alene area went to Canton, Missouri a month ago and did Hurricane Katrina relief work for a family? They worked on a house that most of us would tear down because it is in such bad shape. The kids said if they would have all leaned on it, it would have fallen over. This group of twenty five spent seven days trying to help make the home more stable, they painted, and added a new bathroom because the old one was very unsafe. But more than that, they gave the people they did this work for some hope. Hope in young people, hope that people still care about others, and hope that they can spend more time in their home. Did you know that there are young teen actresses in Hollywood who KNOW they are role models and are choosing not to drink and do drugs? There are also a lot of pro athletes who use their money for good, and help out kids and organizations with worthwhile causes. There are still people in the world that you can trust, the problem is we put our trust in people. They are people, just like I am and you are, and people mess up and make a mess of themselves because they become too focused on how great and powerful they are, or how they can do life on their own and they don't have people set up to keep them accountable. Of course, we as a society don't help this when we put people on a higher pedestal than they deserve or we 'worship' them because they are famous.

Look for the good today. Search until you find a story that makes your heart truly happy, and brings you joy. When you find it, share it with others so they too know that there is still good going on around us.

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about these things." ~ The Apostle Paul

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my sister!! I wish you many joys and happiness today, along with some time for you. I know you don't take much time just for yourself, but I hope you do today.

My sister is the artistic one in the family. God gifted her with a beautiful voice to sing with, an amazing talent to play the piano, and a wonderful ability to draw. She also makes beautiful handmade cards which she shares with all around her.

My sister is also the one in all the family pictures who is goofing off or causing someone else to be goofing off with what she is doing. I believe she is passing that goofiness on to her girls, so someday she will be telling them to stop being so silly in all the family pictures, as mom does to her.

My sister was born with a major challenge in her life, but she won't allow it to bring her down. She pushes on and does her best in all things. I am blessed to have such a loving, caring sister who has so many wonderful gifts from God. I love you, Jo, and hope you have a day overflowing with blessings and love.

A Sister is God's way of proving He doesn't want us to walk alone

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. -- Isadora James

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Summer Fun

I learned today that if you want to learn patience and to not be competitive, which is a bit of a stretch for me, play mini golf with a two and four year old. By nature I am very competitive, so when I hit the ball today and my nieces picked it up and carried it around the green, or continued to hit it all around the green for me, I had to just remember it was about having fun today. The girls had lots of fun, hitting five different balls around each hole. They also had fun once they figured out that they could put the ball in the water on one hole, and let them float along the 'stream,' sail down a grate, and come out on the green. Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, so they came down today for an early celebration. We had a lot of fun playing mini golf, bowling, and playing in the arcade. I must say the arcade isn't what it used to be. Seems the time frame on the games has significantly decreased, and they were quite stingy with the reward tickets, but we still had fun. It was nice to just hang out with my sister's family and have a good time and relax and laugh. Of course, we have no idea who won the golf game since we gave up on keeping score on the second hole, but the main thing is we had a lot of fun and once again, created some memories of summer before it slips away.

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. -- Author:Katharine Hepburn

Summer fun creates lasting memories. -- Author:Sarah

Today was good, today was fun, tomorrow is another one. -- Author:Dr. Seuss

Well, I had a whole long blog written and it poof disappeared! Now, I have to get going so guess I will get back to it later.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Life IS

... a song -- sing it
... a game -- play it
... a challenge -- meet it
... a dream -- live it
... a sacrifice -- offer it
... love -- enjoy it
The beauty of life does not depend on
how happy you are but on how happy
others can be because of you.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Pave Paradise

I snapped these photos the other day of our quickly disappearing prairie. It seems each day there is a new development going up. A new, very large development was just approved where I took most of these pictures. I'm not sure who is buying all these homes since everywhere you look, there are homes for sale, but they just keep building and building, like it's an obscession or something. We often sing a song with a slight variation of words, 'Pave Paradise, put up a housing development......' as we drive around here. Sadly, once the beauty of this area is gone it can never return, whether it be the prairie, the mountains and streams, the natural wetlands, or the lake front. Many of us will only have memories of what used to be before progress came in and took over. Take some time this weekend to look around and enjoy your favorite spot, because you never know what will become of it in the near future.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Trip to the Fair with a Side of Ham

I made a date last week with two very special girls, so I jumped in my car and headed North yesterday morning. We met at my parents house, played a bit, and then headed off to Slates for lunch. My dates could hardly make it through lunch, as they were very excited to get to the Fair! Once we arrived at the Fair, the adults wanted to look through the beautiful quilts, check out the displays and 4-H room, but the girls had only one thing in mind-seeing the animals. I remember the many years my sister and I spent at the Fair as kids, and aside from going through the exhibit hall to see what ribbons we won on our 4-H projects and to pick up free stuff, we spent hours, and days, outside with the animals as well. We lived right behind the fairgrounds so we would just walk over with our cousin and spend the entire day at the Fair. Later on, we decided to try our hand at actually taking animals to the Fair. We each took a pig. The pigs we had thought they were dogs, until we got them in the show ring in front of the judge. At that point, they became the most obnoxious pair of disobedient pigs you have seen. My sister and I learned to just be crafty and run with them and when they stopped, we would act like that is what we wanted them to do, and then show them off to the judge. Have you ever tried to control a pig with a cane? It's not the easiest thing in the world. Our efforts must have worked because we took away grand champion and reserve champion and several blue ribbons. Of course, I am not going to mention which one of us won the grand champion, since it wasn't me. We were too attached to our pigs to sell them at market, so we decided to raise pigs to sell to other 4-Hers and many of their offspring did quite well at the Fair, as well.

Back to yesterday, the girls had a great time petting all the animals and there were some goats who were very happy to see us and climbed up on their pens so they could be petted. The girls also had fun in the wildlife building, and even decided to see what it's like inside a beavers den. I enjoyed some time getting to see old friends, and doing some quick catching up.

After the Fair, my dates became little show offs, and had a lot of fun playing with an old hat. Obviously, being around the pigs made the girls think about ham.

It was a great day at the Fair and a wonderful date with my nieces. We definitely made some memories.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


John Maxwell says it all the time... people should always add value to each person that they come in contact with. We should be purposeful in each conversation, each interaction that we have with anyone... to add value to the other person. Think how much better that person will be because you actually cared for them as a person. Whether it's just smiling at someone on the street, being kind to the wait staff at a restaurant or the checker at the store, saying thank you, or offering a kind word, each will make a difference in the day of the person you interact positively with. Hugging your spouse, kids, family members and truly listening to what they are saying and having real interaction with them, will make them feel valued. If we are intentional about caring for people, the world will be a better place, at least the corner of the world you occupy. Add value to those you come in contact with today. Change the world by offering kindness and value, instead of put downs and criticism.

"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. Add up God's Law and Prophets and this is what you get. Matthew 7:12 The Message

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary, mom and dad. 42 years ago today, you pledged to love each other through better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health. I'm sure you never could have imagined everything that would transpire through the years in those early days of love, but through the years that love has held you together and grown stronger, through the good times and the bad. I am so blessed to have parents who love each other and who have given us an example of what love looks like, when Christ is the head of the marriage. I thank God for the blessing of such wonderful parents! Have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Day of Memories

Yesterday may have been the Wigton's anniversary party, but many of us enjoyed it just as much as they did, I believe. There were so many people there that I hadn't seen in 12-20 years, it was like a big church reunion. We all seemed to enjoy seeing each other and catching up. Some of the people I haven't seen since I was in high school, and although they may have thought they recognized me, they didn't put it all together until I was around my parents. It was one of those days that fills your heart up with happiness. I shared some moments of conversation with some very special people, and at the end of the day, was so happy we were there to build the memories that will stay with us throughout the years.

No day is over if it makes a memory.

Happiness isn't something you experience, it's something you remember. --Oscar Levant

Memories are the most beautiful pictures our minds can paint, and nothing can ever erase them.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


It's a full day today. My family is all coming down. Thane is playing in a golf tournament for work, with a picnic to follow. Thane has never played golf before so it should be interesting. One of the sales managers gave him a lesson a couple nights ago, and he was feeling pretty confident that he could master the game. At the same time as the company picnic, some dear people to us are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Chuck and Minute Wigton were the pastors at our church in Sandpoint for many years. Now, Chuck and I work together at the church down here. It's a very neat turn of events getting to be around Chuck again. Minute, too, I just don't see her as often. Chuck always goes by my office with a smile and kind word, and we share in a lot of laughs. Minute likes to remain behind the scenes, helping in the kitchen and in the office after church services. I'm sure it is going to be a great party. Their kids are all here for the event. I briefly saw them on Friday night at church. My family is coming down to join the festivities and help Chuck and Minute celebrate such a wonderful life. What a great example they have been to those of us who have known them for many years. Speaking of anniversaries, my parents will be celebrating 42 years of marriage on Tuesday. Two great couples who have been through a lot over the years, but have stuck it out and grown more in love over the years. Congratulations to mom and dad, and Chuck and Minute. May God bless you with many more years to come.

The development of a really good marriage is not a natural process. It is an achievement. ~David and Vera Mace

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures throughevery circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7

Friday, August 17, 2007

From Women of Faith

The Maker of Heaven and Earth
Has His hand on you.
Don't trade what He has for you
For the comforts of this world.
Let the love of Christ compel you
And infuse you with courage.
God, even God, who created the heavens
Is the One who comforts you.
Whatever you do,
Don't refuse it!
His grace will guard you from bitterness
And Christ will turn your pain
Into Holy Passion.
Pour your life lavishly into others.
Humble yourself and share your hardships
That others may also share your comfort.
Live till you die!
Then live like there's no tomorrow!
For the King enthroned in Heaven
Is worthy of your all.
Now, go, Girl!
For the Father of Mercies
And the God of all comfort
Goes with you.
Bless be God and bless be you!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Walk in the Park

After enjoying a day of my sister and her girls here, and a late afternoon/early evening ministry dedication for Outdoor Connection Ministries, we decided to go to Outback for dinner and just unwind a bit. As we came out of the restaurant, the sky was lit up in purple, orange, pink, blues-what a beautiful sunset! We decided to go check out the new park in Coeur d'Alene that we've been hearing so much about, mainly all the problems with the way the geese have taken it over and how they are trying to figure out how to deter them from hanging out at Riverstone Park. We enjoyed a few minutes of a visit with some friends who had just enjoyed dinner at the new restaurant on the new lake, and who were finishing up their evening with a walk around the park. We went for a walk around the park as darkness crept in too early on a nice summer evening. It seems like a really nice park, despite the huge goose droppings all over the place. I love Canadian geese. I think they are absolutely beautiful and I have grown up around them my whole life. I can see, however, the problem they will pose to this park, with goose droppings all over by the nice play area for kids, all around the amphitheater, and the trail that goes around the lake. I hope they find a nice solution to deter the geese from this park. I know the geese were here before the high rises and new lake went in, and they, like many of us, are experiencing the growing pains and changes of this area.

The park features an old time bronze of a lady on a bike, with two dogs running alongside her, a big fountain, four or five rock fountains, stairs that lead to the water even though you can't go in the water, a beautiful waterfalls, a nice pavilion, and as I mentioned before, a great play area, along with lots of grass. Of course, it has all the new, big city condos going up all around it, but it is nice that they put in this park for the public to enjoy. I look forward to going back to the park in the daylight and seeing everything it has to offer. It is a very pretty city park. There are lots of trees, rocks, benches, and of course the water. It is a nice oasis in the middle of the hubbub of the busy life of Coeur d'Alene. I would still rather be up in the mountains any day, next to a God-made waterfall and lake, but I guess I just have to make the best of where I've been planted and enjoy the things around me as much as possible.

I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances........Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.
Philippians 4:12-13 The Message

NOTE: I was there in the daylight, and must say it's prettier at night. Still a good place for kids to play, and the restaurant on the 'lake' has good food.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Brandon Update

Brandon has the first step towards his new legs. This is not the final format for his right leg. Big moment for all of us to see him stand on two legs. Keep us in your prayers!

Brandons birthday is 8-19 He will be 22. Send messages to
In Christ Doug

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Busy, Busy Weekend

It was a very busy weekend! We made a very fast trip to Sandpoint to the Arts & Crafts Festival, where my parents had a booth with their artwork ( Unfortunately, we got up to Sandpoint too late to go to the Celebrate Life walk, but we were sure thinking of Jenny as we came into town. We did get to see a lot of familiar faces and visit with many friends that we haven't seen for some time, while at the beach. The main reason for the trip was to meet our nephew Nile down at the festivities. He is up to visit for a couple days so wanted to make sure we got to see him. After getting quite warm at the beach, we played in the water some. The nieces had a blast. Obviously, it wore everyone out! They were all asleep, but Lizzie woke up just before I snapped the picture.

We decided to go for a quick drive out to Twin Lakes as the sun was setting. This old farm place is so cool, and it would be a neat place to live. It seems like such a serene setting.

Sunday brought more additions to the front yard. The paver patio is finished out front, and now needs to be finished in the back. It looks really nice.

After working all day on the patio, we decided to take a drive to get a new geocache at Cougar Bay. We took the scenic way around and then took a side road off that, and saw some beautiful areas. This is an old farm place that is still standing.

Further down the road, we came across this tree that was filled with tiny conks. I have never seen anything like it. From top to bottom, and all around, there were baby conks covering the tree.

A bit further down the road, we spotted three deer in the field and sat and watched them for awhile.

We finally arrived at our destination. We were the only ones at the preserve, so we enjoyed the views, while searching for some cache.

Our dog loves to go with, so was happy to help us try to locate the sneaky cache. As usual, she just enjoys going along for the ride, but this time she was able to get out and lay in six foot tall grass, and cool off, while we searched the area for the geocache.

We decided to do one more multi-cache in Coeur d'Alene before we headed home. It was a fun one and took us around to different building art around town. We ended up at an area we didn't know existed, which is what we love about caching. Tomorrow is our one year anniversary of being addicted to the game/adventure of geocaching, so we are trying to figure out a place to hide a good cache tomorrow to mark our 'anniversary.'

Right now, I'm going to head outside to see if I can find those meteor showers they keep talking about that are supposed to be neat to watch the next couple nights. Hope to get a good show, although they are supposed to be best around 3 am, but I hope to be sound asleep by that time!

Friday, August 10, 2007


I've been asked about the progress of our yard, so here's the before and after pictures. Plus, 95% of the flower pictures I post on here on from our yard. There are still projects to finish up, but we are getting closer.

Plenty of Rock!!

Brandon Update

Received this from Doug this morning: Hey there sorry for such a long gap in information but look, it's the beginning of Brandon's right leg! Soon he will be on two legs! I cannot wait to send that picture-it is coming soon.

In Christ Doug

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


“Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears out.” —Libbie Fudim

The great thing about memories is that you keep them forever. Take the time today to dig out old photo albums and remember the good things in your life. It will bring you joy to recall happy times in your past.

No day is over if it makes a memory. -- Author:Unknown

MEMORY is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~The Wonder Years

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn't buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure? ~Author Unknown

Just a reminder to enjoy some a little peaceful time this month, before summer turns to fall. I know we are all trying to fit as much summer stuff into August as we can, but we also need to remember to just sit down, relax, and rest. Enjoy a sunrise or sunset. Play. Enjoy a beautiful flower garden. Watch the a bumblebee, hummingbird, or butterfly as they flutter in the flowers. Sit at a lake and soak in the beauty. Rest a moment and take in your surroundings.
Cherish each hour of this day for it can never return." Og Mandino
Be still, and know that I am God Psalm 46:10

Monday, August 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday to my dad! My dad is the one who has taught me how to stand up for what is right, to be a person of their word, and to put my faith in God. I have been amazed at his talent for writing that he has recently been displaying since he started blogging. I never knew my dad had a this talent, much like we didn't know he had a talent for carving amazing birds and fish until a few years ago. I am proud of my dad and very thankful and blessed that God has given me the treasure of such a great dad in my life. I love you dad. Wish I could be there today to share the day with you! Happy birthday!

"As I was growing up, my father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." - Clarence Budington Kelland

The greatest gift I ever had came from God; I call him Dad!~Author Unknown

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Thane had his kidney stones blown up yesterday so hopefully in a couple days he will be feeling better. On the way home from the hospital, we saw a 'cloud' to the east and wondered if it was smoke because there wasn't another cloud in the sky. The closer we got to home, the bigger the plume got, and we could tell it was smoke from a fire. On our way to church last night, the plume to the east, somewhere over the mountains behind Hayden Lake was very large, and then we looked south and saw a lot of smoke billowing over Coeur d'Alene. We wondered if the Indians were burning their fields, but didn't think they would be as high as the winds were. On the way home from church, we saw a fire plane heading to the fire. When we got home we found out it was in St. Maries. I am glad we took our scenic drive last weekend, since that is the area we were in. I know a week long bike ride is supposed to start there in that area tomorrow, so the fire could definitely affect the ride! The fires are getting closer, and it's getting pretty scary how tender dry it is! Fortunately, the winds have died down today, and they said the humidity will be higher but it's still very, very dry. Here a some of the photos posted on of the fire. Have a good weekend, and be safe!

Thursday, August 2, 2007