Sunday, May 29, 2011

Thank You

Remember. Honor. Be grateful for your freedoms. 

Don't let the service, sacrifice, and deaths our military has made over the years, and now, be something that was done in vain.  Fight with them to protect our freedoms.  

Thank you to all service men and women, past, present, and future, and their families, for the sacrifices you have given to this country.  You are appreciated, respected, and thought of with deepest honor and respect.  

Saturday, May 28, 2011


It seemed appropriate as I climbed in the car this morning, that rain drops fell on the windshield like big tear drops.  My heart was overflowing with tears so much, it seemed they jumped out of my heart and onto the window.  I was up before the sun, on my way to take my husband to the airport, to send him 2000 miles away.  We had a days notice that he would have to go.  He will be helping write insurance claims back in the areas that have been ripped apart by the storms.  My heart feels like it's being ripped apart.  I don't know if I am having an extra difficult time because he's going to an area that has been hit by these deadly storms, or if it's because in 25 years of being together, three weeks short of 24 years of marriage, we have never been apart this long.  It is probably a combination of both, but the tears sure don't want to stop this early Saturday morning.  I already miss him, and his plane is just boarding to leave Spokane.  I would cherish prayers for his safety while he is away.  

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle.You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reach Out

My heart is breaking for those across our country devastated by storms.  The tornado that hit on Sunday definitely hit my heart the hardest.  My youth pastor from high school and his wife, and granddaughter live in Joplin.  When I heard the news on Monday morning, my heart sank, and my stomach felt sick.  I immediately got on his facebook page to see if anyone knew if they were ok.  No word from them, but a friend of their's reported they had minimal damage to their home, and were alive.  Thank you God!  

It's been 25 years since he was my youth pastor, I just aged myself, but he was someone who made a huge impact on my life as a mentor in my walk with Christ.  He helped me understand grace, and helped me to grow in a relationship with Christ.  I am forever grateful to him and to his family.  

He posted pictures of the devastation last night and today, pictures of their friends home which now looked like toothpicks and piles of debris.  Thankfully, their friends made it through the storm, but they lost everything.  

Gary wrote:

Spent most of yesterday helping one of our friends and coworkers sift through their destroyed   house. We are grateful that they are alive, but their house was a total loss. The town is telling everyone to stay away unless you are an official rescue operation. We have already heard stories of looters. I am back in the office, still numb, trying to do some work.  Appreciate all the prayers.

"What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?" George Eliot

Reach out if you can to all those who are facing devastation.  Even a $10 donation to the Red Cross helps.  We can all pray for God's grace, mercy, comfort to overwhelm those who have faced this destruction across our country.  

Be thankful to for the blessings around you, and let those you love know you love them.   Also, live your life without regrets.  Take time to get right with God and spend some quality time with Him each day as well.  If you are near areas affected by the storms, see how you can help.  Each of us, no matter where we live, can help out someone who has faced hard times in life and needs someone who cares about them to reach out.  Don't just think someone else can or will do it, step up and do it.  I had someone say to me in the past couple days that they worked hard for their home and their life and would not willing give up any of their 'stuff.'  I had a difficult time staying quiet.  I did say a few things, like sometimes it's not your choice to lose your 'stuff.'  Sometimes something happens to take it all away and when that is where your priorities are, then what?  It was not met with a favorable response, but material items are just that, material.  It seems we have become such a me focused society that we have forgotten about others.  We have become desensitized to the horrific pictures we see in mass destruction, and many times think oh, that's too bad, but don't give it another thought.  People matter.  People are hurting.  Hurting people need to know someone cares, and we can change lives, change our country, if we all started to live a life to serve others, to reach out to others, to give up something so someone who doesn't have anything can have a little better life.  A hand of compassion goes a long way, so reach it out and love on other people in a real way.  

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Experiencing God in a Real Way

Did you see God today?  Did you hear Him?  Did you take time to even notice, or did the business of life distract you, and you went about your day without even seeing God?  He is there, everywhere.  Look.  Look outside.  Do you see Him?  Look again.  Look in the faces of your loved ones.  Do you see Him?  Listen.  No, really listen.  Shut off the noise, and listen.  Do you hear Him in the sound of birds singing, the wind blowing, laughter of your loved ones?  God is everywhere, He surrounds us in real, tangible ways, if we take the time to look, to be still and know He is God.  All creation points us to God.  He made it that way, if we choose to take time to notice.  No, we aren't to worship creation, we are to worship God.  He shows us who He is through His creation.  

They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them.  For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.  Romans 1:19-20

I took time to see, to experience God today.  How about you? He is there.  Do you see Him?  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today my thoughts are heavenward more than usual.  Six years ago today, my Gram went to live with Jesus.  I know I shouldn't shed tears because she is out of pain, and lives with Jesus.  My heart misses her, though.  My Gram and I were close.  We could sit and laugh, enjoy God's scenery together, just sit and be still with each other, and we could also disagree, but still still love and respect each other.  

I read this quote this morning....If nothing is going well, call your grandmother. I would. Gram didn't live here until I was an adult, but I called her a daily, and always when things were tough.  She would listen, sympathize, tell me it was ok to cry, but to hold my chin up and not get brought down by what was going on.  To this day, I still want to call her, to share good news, to talk through tough times, to just listen to her laugh.  

I remember the first time I heard this song.  It was the day before my Gram passed away.  It was a new song, and they played it alot in two days of driving back and forth from Sandpoint to the hospital in Coeur d'Alene.  

Today, my heart is homesick.  I am happy I will see my Gram again.  I am thankful we both have a Savior who allows us to be reunited with those we love.  

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

From the beginning of my life, you have been there to help me along the way, through the good times and the tough times.  Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson, and I appreciate that you cared enough to teach me lessons about life, caring for others, God, and love. Your heart always knows when I need a friend, or a listening ear.  Your arms have always been open when I needed a hug.  We have shared a lot of laughs, and a lot of tears.  Your strength and love have helped to shape me into who I am today.  Thanks mom, for being there for me and for the love you have given me.  I love you!  
Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Something to Think About

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through Him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.  Everything was created through Him and for Him.  Colossians 1:15-16, New Living Translation

Colossians 1:16 tells us that everything was created for God/Jesus...Don't we live instead as though God is created for US, and to take care of our loved ones?”  ~Francis Chan, Crazy Love (book)

How would our lives look different if we lived out the truth that everything, ourselves included, were created  for the sole purpose to bring glory to Jesus?  How would our lives look different if we lived out the truth that all creation is for Christ, not us?  What if we started to fully live for God, instead of thinking that God exists to fulfill our needs and make us happy?  I think our lives would look much different, churches, families, our country, the world would be much different.  We wouldn't be "I" centered, but looking at the world through the eyes of our Creator.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

What is a Trader?

What if we were  willing to trade in the pursuit of the American dream for a world that desperately needs Christ?  Are  you willing to become a trader?