Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Day Out Fishing

My hubby and I were out fishing recently, when we suddenly had a visitor come tromping down through the yards, into the lake.  We were joined by Bullwinkle.  He stayed around for about an hour, feasting on lily pads and other plants out in the channel.  My fishing abruptly stopped, and my picture taking and admiration of Bullwinkle filled the hour.  I love living in the Northwest and getting surprises like this when we are out and about.  

Monday, July 25, 2011


I thought this quote on attitude was a great way to start off the week.....

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.  Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past - we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude - I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it. And so it is with you - we are in charge of our attitudes.

Charles (Chuck) Swindoll

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Do You Have a Checklist?

As a follower of Christ, I have often been told, since I was young, to put God as the number one priority in my life.  At times I have, at times I have not.  There were times when I was so busy trying to make sure God was my number one priority, that He wasn't because I was too centered on my God checklist...prayer, bible study, personal time in God's word, ministry, serving, devotions, you get the idea.  All those are great in themselves, but not when the focus is on the task more than it is on God.  Other times, my priorities shifted and God was put behind my marriage, my family, friendships, my job, ministry, health issues, worry, circumstances.  It was at those times I would panic because I hadn't been spending my 1/2 hour in prayer in the mornings, or my allotted time in the Bible, or I missed two days in a row of not writing in my journal.  All these of course, are MY ideas, not God's.  I would think I had to get God back as my number one priority, or I was in big trouble.  It was something I felt like I failed at all the time because I felt I never DID enough.  

I have learned that the 'making God the number one priority by going through my checklist' is not what God wants.  God wants all of me.  He wants me to be with Him, not focused on a checklist.  A true relationship with my Creator, my Savior, has brought me to understand that concept, and now, God is at the core of who I am, the center of my life.  I breathe prayers to Him all day long, as I go about my day.  I reflect on His word throughout the day, not only by reading, but by remembering, by having His word hidden in my heart so that it is always there.  My life is now God centered, not checklist centered.  It is so much easier to love God that way, and it takes so much self-inflicted performance anxiety away and lets me just be.  Just as I want to spend time with my husband to enrich and grow our relationship, I do the same with my Savior.  Because of grace and mercy offered to me, to all of us, through Christ, I don't have to keep my checklist anymore.  I just have to be with God, in everything.

If God is woven into every aspect of my life, then He is in everything I do, everything I am, my relationships, my marriage, my family, friendships, careers, and things I am involved in.  Living like this means God is a part of my decisions, He is always apart of everything I do.  Do I always get things right, or always remember to invite Him to join me?  Far from it, but it's ok because just like my relationship with my husband, I can mess up and he forgives me, or we laugh about it, and we move on.  God is the same way.  I know He has to laugh at some of the decisions I make, and when I really mess up, He is there to help me back up, dust me off, and offer me grace to begin again.  

The core of my life is Christ.  I try my best to put Him in the center of all I do, of all I am.  I spend time in His word and in prayer because I want to not because I have to.  It's when I try to do things on my own and take Christ out of the center of my life that things spin out of control.  When He is in the center, I can be assured He is there, offering calm in the stormy times of life, giving me His strength to make it through.  

I posted this song before, but it's going through my head as I am writing about putting God in the center of my life, making Him my everything.  There are a lot of great truths in this song, so take time to just close your eyes and listen with your heart.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We Are Sorry, This Blog Has Been Interrupted By Summer

Since Summer FINALLY arrived here in the Northwest, I haven't been on the computer much.  I have been outside, enjoying the sunshine, my garden, flowers, and family.  

First 3D movie for all of us!  Cars 2

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Way

Jeremy Camp - The Way
From the album We Cry Out

All creation cries out with longing
With groans only You could comprehend
And with wisdom, You always answer
And give the words of life
So unfailing

And Your glory shines all around us
Your faithfulness shown for all to see
When we think of all of Your wonders
The beauty of Your plan that's been revealed
We walk in Your light
When we walk in it

Shine, bright
Let Your glory fill this land
Lift high,
The King of Kings and great I AM
Jesus, You are the way

We can see the works of Your loving hands
With the hope and peace not made by man
When You poured out Your grace and Your mercy
And You held out Your arms
So we can see
And bled for all mankind
Set the captives free


Jesus You are the way


Jesus You are the way 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th

As we celebrate our country's birthday and freedom today, remember to be thankful for your freedoms, and to take a stand for them.  Our freedom's have come at a great cost to many.  Stand strong and proud as an American, not only today, but everyday.  

Thank  you to all who have fought, and continue to fight, to keep our country free.