Monday, December 31, 2012

Life Story

Tomorrow starts a new 365 day book for our life stories. What will your story be? Will you live a joy-filled life, filled with love for those around you, no matter what may be going on in our country, our world, and life in general? We choose the legacy we leave behind each day, so choose wisely and be the change you want to see in the world. One person can make a difference.  Will you offer hope, love, joy?  Will you care about those around you and not just focus on self, and the problems that face us each day?  Hope and love can change us, can change those around you.  Choosing joy, real deep down inside us joy, can get us through difficult times, and enhance good times.  What will you choose for 2013?  What legacy will you leave, not just in the year 2013, but each and every day?  Each day matters, each moment matters.  How will you choose to live the precious moments that God gives you?  Will you offer hope to a hurting world? Will you love?  Will you be a light shining out, offering hope?  Take time to write out a life story that others want to be a part of, and will be blessed to walk the journey beside you through this coming year.  Blessings for a new year. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

The Heart of Christmas

I wish the world and this nation would focus on remembering the heart of Christmas. There is so much unrest, so much division, so much hate, and so much anger. Take time to focus on the true heart of Christmas, and love those around you deeply. Keep the heart of Christmas going every day.

Please join me in praying for peace, and wisdom for our nation, our leaders, and our world.  


For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hope.  Many people are looking for hope.  Many people are looking in the wrong places.  You cannot find hope from within yourSELF.  You cannot find hope in any type of substance, food, person, possession.  Hope, true hope, can only be found in one place, Jesus.  He came to this world to give us hope, hope for more than this life offers us on earth.  I don't know about you, but that alone gives me hope.  If this world was all there was, it would be a very bleak existence, which many live in because they don't turn their lives to Jesus and live a life centered in Him.  Yes, we still have to live here, and experience the darkness in this world, but Jesus came to give us light, to give us hope.  Hope for more than this life, life eternal, life that never ends, always in His presence.  He overcomes the darkness in this world, and the darkness will not overpower Him, ever.  

Do you need hope today?  Look to Jesus.  It's the reason He was born, it's the reason He died for us, to give us never-ending hope.

And his name will be the hope of all the world. Matthew 12:21 

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.  And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.  And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. Romans 5:3-5

Do not be lazy but work hard, serving the Lord with all your heart.  Be joyful because you have hope. Be patient when trouble comes, and pray at all times.  Share with God’s people who need help. Bring strangers in need into your homes. Romans 12:11-13

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 1 Corinthians 13:7

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.  John 1:5

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Is There Room?

Not only at Christmas, but every moment of every day, this is something we have to decide in our lives.............

Friday, November 30, 2012

Thankfulness, Fear, Worry, Trust

Today ends the official November days of thanks, but I hope each day to carry thankfulness in my heart.  It can be challenging, particularly if getting wrapped up in the wrong thoughts or if getting consumed with fears, worries, circumstances, but God always wants us to give thanks, despite and beyond our circumstances.  He gives us blessings everyday.  If we miss them, it's because we aren't paying attention to them, or to Him.  

I must admit, there have been a few challenging days for me lately with thoughts of things going on in our world, fiscal cliff free fall talk, and difficult things going on with those I know and care about, and I have found myself consumed with worry, fear, and stress on things I have absolutely no control over.  My husband confronted me last night about it, and asked why I was so worried.  I asked why he wasn't.  He told me he has had a few brief moments of worrying about it, but then he prayed and God has overwhelmed him with peace.  I almost got angry, wondering to myself why I wasn't overwhelmed with peace, because I have been praying about it a lot, and as I am wondering that, it was like God whispered to me, you aren't allowing me to overwhelm you with peace because you are consumed with worry and what if's.  I had a brief moment of ouch, that hurt, but went back to worrying, and it wasn't until tonight that it really hit me.  I have had a tendency to be a worrier since I was a little girl.  So, learning to let go and let God deal with those fears and worries can be a challenge to me.  I have realized tonight how much joy has been taken from me in the past couple days because of the what-if's I keep playing over and over in my head, the thoughts I have let the enemy fill, not my Creator.  Funny thing is, when others are having a difficult time, I always share this verse with them that has helped me through many situations.  Unfortunately, I have not focused on it enough lately.  

 I am in two private groups on Facebook for my life coaching, follow several of my instructors and mentors on Twitter, and on these worry-filled days, I have found many words of encouragement to keep going, focus on God, let worries and fears go because God is in control and is bigger than anything we will face in this life.  I find words that say if I worry, I don't trust God, I am trusting in me...ouch! I have opened up my Bible or get on YouVersion Bible on my iPhone, and God directs me to the same thoughts that many are posting...TRUST that God knows what HE is doing, He is in control, stop being scared, stop worrying, LIVE life, BE there for others, SERVE GOD, LOOK AND SEE the blessings.  Be thankful.  God is already in tomorrow, so don't worry about it, He has gone before me.  These messages have appeared over and over.  I get several verse of the day, devotions, quotes in my email.  They have all been on the same subject, as well.  Think God is trying to make a point to me?  I do.  Here are some quotes that came just tonight:

It's hard to be full of grace when you're full of fear.  ~Cornelius Plantinga, Jr 

Gratitude consists of being more aware of what you have, than what you don't.  What are you grateful for? 

"If we belong to Christ, satan has no right to exercise authority over us; but he hopes we are too ignorant regarding Scripture to know it."  ~Beth Moore

Hate is not the first enemy of Love.  Fear is.  It destroys your ability to trust.

We must look up in order to move forward...looking around will confuse, paralyze, distract, depress, limit or terrify you.  ~Christine Caine

There will be difficulties in life, it's guaranteed.  But, I have to choose to trust God in everything, not doubt or fear.  He has promised to help me, to be with me, to guide me if I let Him, to provide for our needs.  In the meantime, I have to live focused on His goodness, be thankful and grateful for the many wonderful blessings He has provided for me, and to let the JOY OF THE LORD be my STRENGTH.  

I do always try to find the blessings of each day, no matter what.  I needed a good refocus tonight as I got way off track sometime last night, and throughout today.  So today, I am thankful for the gift to start over, and over, and over again.  God gives me, us, re-do's all the time, it's called grace.  I have to ask for Him to forgive me of my fear and doubt, and to wash my thoughts with His thoughts, so I can focus on Him and His Word, because fear and worry is a sin on my part.  He wants my full, unwavering trust, sometimes much easier to write and say, than to actually do.  But, I am going to work on it, and since I have lived in this body for awhile now, I know I will have to keep working on it.  I am going to try hard to replace worry and fear with joy and thanksgiving, to focus on the truth found in God's word, and to keep my thoughts on what is pure and from God, with love and helping others at the core of my day.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today, and every day, I am thankful and blessed to be a child of God.   Nothing is more important than this relationship in my life.  I sometimes need to be reminded of that, because I get consumed with worry, fear, busyness, but God always brings me back to rest in Him, to remind me I am His kid, and that He loves me.  He reminds me that Jesus died for me.  He reminds me that nothing in this world is more important than a relationship with Him.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November Days of Thanks

There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.  ~2 Timothy 3:16-17

Yesterday I said I was thankful for books.  Today I am thankful for the most important book in my life, the Bible, the Word of God, the instruction book for how to live life.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for books.  I love to read, and have loved books my entire life.  There is nothing  like opening up a real book, and diving into the pages, with the possibility of discovering new things on each page.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

November Days of Thanks

For Sunday and Monday, I am thankful for four wonderful days with my husband.  He has been out of town working on Sandy relief efforts for over three weeks.  We had a great weekend relaxing, drinking coffee, going for drives, watching movies, and catching up.  It was a great time of just enjoying life with the love of my life, and for that I am extremely grateful.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for the incredible beauty and majesty of the bald eagle.  My hubby and I went for a drive today, and saw between 25-30 eagles.  

They were beautiful as they soared over the lake and the trees, and sat amongst the trees on the hillsides.  

Friday, November 23, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for music.  It has always been an important part of my life, and feeds my soul in many ways.  

My hubby and I celebrate our love of music today by attending the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert.  The music and light show are fabulous.  What a blessing to go enjoy a night out with my hubby!  

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!  May God bless you with many wonderful blessings today, and in the days to come.  I hope you all take time to be grateful today, and count the wonderful blessings you have in your life.  We always have something to be thankful for, we just have to look around and see them.  

Today, I am thankful for time with family, and for having my husband home!  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for airplanes, as my husband will arrive home on one after being away for three weeks in New York area helping with relief efforts after Superstorm Sandy.  I am very excited for his arrival back home, and that through prayer, he will able to make it home an hour before Thanksgiving!  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for hope, the hope I have in Jesus because He is the only place true HOPE is found!  

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for a wood stove in our home.  Our electricity flickered a few times today, and I thought of how cold I would be if the power went out, turning off our gas furnace. Fortunately, we have a wonderful source of heat to warm our home in our wood stove, even cook something on, if needed.  As the saying goes in our part of the country, there is nothing like a wood stove to warm up a home, and cold body, on a cold night.  

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for sunrises and sunsets, and the hope and unique beauty found in each one.  

Each sunrise and sunset is different, each cloud formation is different. 

 The array of colors that go through each sunset or sunrise is a pure masterpiece by the Master Artist and Creator, our God.  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for phones, and FaceTime, to be able to keep in contact with friends and loved ones, near and far.  No matter how far away loved ones are, they are close by thanks to technology, from my niece who is a military family overseas, to my family in the Midwest, to a friend across the country, we can stay in close contact, and stay close in heart.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for being able to walk out my front or back door, look up, and see a sky full of stars.  Not everyone has this privilege, and I am very thankful I do.  On those nights when there are meteor showers, my hubby and I drive out about a mile, completely away from the lights of town, and watch as the stars zip across the sky.  It's a wonderful treat to experience a vast sky full of stars, all of which God put in place, exactly where He wanted them.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for my furry friend.  Her name should be shadow, as she is constantly by my side when we are in the same vicinity.  She has lived with us for 11 years now, and is a loving, faithful companion, who brings much joy to my life.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for the food we have been blessed with to eat, so our bodies can receive the nourishment they need. 

 I am also thankful for the gift of taste, particularly so I can enjoy the wonderful taste of coffee and dark chocolate! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for my sister.  We haven't always seen eye to eye, as many sisters experience in life, but we have always been there for each other, supported one another, and loved each other.  I am thankful God blessed me with my little sis.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for support of family during great times of celebration, and during challenging, difficult times.  This has been something ever-present in my life, and I am grateful their love and support.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for all who have served, and are currently serving, our country.  I sat down next to a man who lives where my mom-in-law lives, and thanked him for his service to our country on Thursday night.  He didn't want to accept the thanks too easily, as he is a very humble man.  I said it again, and his eyes filled with tears, and he thanked me.  I said he didn't have anything to thank me for, he was the one who deserved the thanks for his sacrifice.  

The photos below are of my niece, who served in the Navy, her brother (my nephew) who is currently in Afghanistan, and her husband.  They are in Bahrain.  My loved ones are in harms way, as are many other's loved ones.  All of our military need your prayers.  All who are serving and who have served, deserve your thanks.  It really doesn't matter which side of the political arena you are on.  You are allowed to have those political freedoms because of the military stepping into danger to protect and serve, for you.  Those who serve have allowed you to have many freedoms.  

Thank them, they deserve it!! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for the gift of today. It is the only time I will ever experience this day, so I need to see the blessings in it, and not waste the day.

As this video says "respond to today as if it were the first day of your life, and the very last day. Then you will have spent the day very well."

Friday, November 9, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for being a great part of a community of faith.  This community includes close friends, acquaintances, new friends, and people I have never personally met but am connected to because of a bond of faith in Christ.  I get great support from both those I personally know, and from those I have never met but have connected to through Facebook or some other way.  All offer encouragement, many of us pray for each other.  This community of faith is essential to my life.  I am grateful.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for those moments when the sun shines, especially this time of year when we are dealing with a lot of gray, rainy days.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November Days of Thanks

Today I am thankful for my nieces and nephews.  They have all touched my life in many wonderful ways, and are all sweet blessings of love.  

Monday, November 5, 2012

November Days of Thanks, Day 5

Today I am thankful for the area I live, where mountains, lakes, trees, and the prairie are all out my door.  We are blessed to have so many beautiful elements of creation surrounding us.   

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Days of Thanks, Day 4

Today I am thankful for those in my life who stop to pray when I share the burdens and concerns in my life. They hear my heart, and they come alongside me, even though they are scattered all over the country, and pray.  They also share in the joy of answered prayers.  As many different people as there are praying for one need, are the prayers they pray.  Some pray short and to the point, while others use eloquent words.  Most are from different churches, but all go to the same loving Father in their prayers.  The main thing is, they pray, I pray.  It doesn't matter how it sounds, it just matters that we talk to our Father, our Creator, our mighty God.  He hears all the prayers of a sincere heart that is centered on HIm, and for that I am also very thankful.  I don't think I could have made it through some of the times I have if it wasn't for so many holding me up with their prayers.  There is a lot of power in prayer, it's always available to us.  It just takes a heart that is centered on God.  God isn't a genie, so don't make your prayers a want list, that's not what prayer is about. Prayer is just a conversation, it's just getting one on one with the ONE.  We need to make sure we always thank Him for what He has answered, what He has given us, the protection He has provided, and for the daily blessings He freely gives.   I am thankful for prayer.  I am thankful for those who pray.  I am blessed to pray for others.  

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November Days of Thanks, Day 3

Today I am thankful for my parents who have modeled and given us a life of love, integrity, support, and trust.  Most importantly, they passed on a life of faith, and the importance of living a life that is rooted in that faith.  

Love you, mom and dad!!