Tuesday, July 30, 2013

7eventh Time Down- Just Say Jesus (Official Lyric Video)

The past few weeks have had some difficult times.  There has been a lot going on.  The weight of the burdens can get heavy.  We have someone we can call out to during tough times.....Jesus.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The View From My Front (and back) Porch

 Stages of the sunset from my front porch a couple nights ago.  

This is the view from the back porch...

Thank you, God, Creator, for the beautiful gift you provided for a weary soul, to remind me Who You are, and of Your deep love for us.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Musings From My Front Porch

This week, I have only had a couple minutes to visit my front porch. I have been volunteering at a sports camp as basketball coach all week. My nieces, however, took some time before camp one day to enjoy the hot summer sun, play with their Barbies, run through the sprinklers, and enjoy some ice cream.  

Take some time to invest in someone this  week. It is well worth your time, maybe even sore muscles like I have, as you make a difference in someone's life. Sometimes it is as easy as taking time to listen. Really listen.  Be available and look for opportunities to invest in someone. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More Musings From My Front Porch

I was wanting to do a Summer on the Front Porch weekly posting, which I began in early June, but then vacation happened and it was busy so I will pick up my Summer Porch musings today.

As I sip on my iced coffee this morning, the neighborhood is very quiet.  I can hear birds chirping, an eagle calling, and doves cooing.  The flowers have beautiful butterflies fluttering around, taking a sip of their nectar.  My fountain is nearly lulling me to sleep.  Sleep was hard to come by last night as I have a pretty good sunburn from spending hours on the lake on a 90 degree day.  I believe a nap may be in store later today.  

My flowers are in full bloom today.  They will be fighting against near and over 100 degree temps the next few days, so I am trying to keep them very well hydrated.  

My front porch (and my doorbell)  has been a little lonely lately.  The eight year old neighbor boy who would visit my front porch, flowers, and me several times a day, moved out to the country.  We would have long conversations about bugs, animals, bb guns, snakes, his bike, church, God, flowers and gardening, and his adventures for each day.  I am sure he's more than busy with his brothers, catching bugs and snakes on their property this summer.  

It's very hard to believe it's already the week of July 4th.  I sit here and think of how fast time is going by and get dizzy!  Enjoy each moment of every day you are given, time goes by quickly and each day is a precious gift.  Spend some time on your front porch, or back deck, and just listen to the sounds, see the beauty, take in life.