Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The View From My Front Porch 2014

Last Summer, I wrote a few posts on 'the view from my front porch.'  Yesterday was the first official day that I got to sit on my porch, sip some coffee, and soak in some amazing sunshine.  

The view isn't much as far as flowers are concerned, yet.  I have a few tulips blooming, but they are looking a little scraggly as they survived an inch of pea-sized hail, and high winds, on Sunday.  Spring has been trying to arrive, but Winter keeps holding on with it's icy fingers.  The past two days have been amazing, sunshine, warmer temps, so hopefully we are moving on with Spring!!  After watching the weather channel the past two days, I am not going to complain, though.  Our prayers are with so many who are dealing with loss after the storms raged through parts of our country.  

The view from my front porch is changing.  We will be getting new neighbors soon, as one place in our little corner of the neighborhood just sold.  Soon, the family we have watched grow up for the past eight years will be packing up and moving to a house out in the country.  Another family will be moving soon, as well, due to needing to relocate because of work.  We have all been neighbors for eight years, so it will be strange to have two out of six homes have new people living in them.   

This was the view from my front porch this morning as I sipped on my coffee, and enjoyed a green smoothie.  My sweet pup is now 12.  I think she is waiting for a walk around the neighborhood, or to go out to the garden and plant some lettuce seeds.  If you have read my blog at all, you know she is probably waiting on planting the carrot seeds, as she loves to eat, and dig up, the carrots!  

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Dash, Your Legacy

I recently attended a funeral.  I did not know the lady.  I was there to help with some of the tech side. As I said, I did not know the lady.  By the time the funeral was over, however, I felt I did know her.  I was shedding tears with the large crowd that assembled to 'say see you later' to their mom, wife, grandma, sister, daughter, friend.

I learned that this gal first and foremost loved Jesus and lived life for Him.  I learned she loved her family, deeply.  I learned she was a quiet woman, but her relationships ran deep and true.  She was intentional about making those in her life feel loved, valued, and important.  She lived out each moment with joy.  She laughed.  She took time to make precious memories with everyone who was important to her.  She lived life with purpose and passion and enjoyed the gift of life.  She didn't waste time, she lived life.  She took great enjoyment in experiencing God's creation. She lived out her dash well.  She touched a lot of people, and showed them the love of Christ through the way she lived.  

Ever since I walked out of our church, I have been thinking about my dash, how I am living out my time from birth, to death.  What will I be remembered for, what do I need to change, and how can I live more purposely and passionately?

What about you?  What will people remember about your 'dash.'  Will they say you were loving, caring, kind, or will they remember you for being argumentative, angry, harsh, for what you were against, not for how you loved?  How do people describe you now?  Those words give you a clue as to the legacy you are leaving here on earth.  What needs to change?  Are your words kind or condemning?  Do you speak words that lift up or tear down?  Are you task oriented, or do people come first?  Do you laugh, and enjoy life, or are you too busy or too uptight?  Do you spend more time on social networks/online than you do having real, face to face relationships?  Does a perfect house matter more than time with your kids, your spouse?  Do you spew ugly words at anything that is against you, or do you try to let it go and and not get consumed with being right?  Does your family know you love them, deeply?  What about your faith?  If you aren't a follower of Christ, living a life like He lived, have you taken time to really consider and examine the life of Christ, NOT a life of religion, but a life of love and giving, centered on Christ's teaching?  It is the most important decision you will ever make.  

Is the life you are living, the life you want to be remembered for?  What are your values?  What's important to you?  How do you live?  What will be said about you at the end of your life?  If you are reading this, you are still breathing, so start making the changes you want to make TODAY.   Make wise use of the dash in your life.  

Live.  Love.  Laugh.  Hope.  Faith.  

What is your legacy? 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Need Hope?

Need hope?  

It started here.

Christ died to give us hope.  He is hope.  He loves us so much He endured a horrific death for each one of us.  He gives hope to ALL, all who ask Him, all who live for Him, all who surrender their lives and live like He lived.  Serving God.  Serving others.  Loving God.  Loving others.  God so loved that He gave....He modeled this life for us.  He gave us His Son.  It's a free gift, available to all. It's the best gift you can ever receive.  

Thank you Jesus for being the sacrifice for me.  

Be slow and see Him now
By His love you are held,
By His mercy you are washed clean, 
By His relentless grace you are saved.
By His relentless grace you are saved.
~Ann Voskamp

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

Let. It. Go

Worry strips away joy.  Worry puts us in a false reality, often making things worse than they truly are.  Worry destroys our lives.  

Today, decide to let worry go.  Push it out of your life, and close and lock the door behind it.  Work hard to keep it out of your life.  As soon as you find worry creeping back in, actively take steps to overcome it, and send it out of your life.

Focus instead on joy, love, laughter, and gratefully live every moment of this life you are given. Live with purpose and passion, and leave loving footprints on the lives of everyone you encounter.