Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Learning To Rest

Why is it in our society we see rest and quietness as something wrong, or temporary? We treat rest more like a privilege than a necessity.

Do you get so busy that you forget to enjoy life? I recently went on a weeks vacation, and although I was busy sightseeing and going, it was a different type of busy. I was with my husband, my loved ones, seeing the beauty. For those who know me or who have followed my blog, you know that photography is my way to disconnect, to connect with our Creator and see the beauty He has created. It's been months since I intentionally picked up my camera, actually close to a year. I have not had my 'photo days' where I grab the dog and the camera and just go take photos. I will admit that because of busyness and lack of rest, my creativity has taken a vacation, and I was just breezing through the day, not seeing the sunsets, the flowers, the beauty. I do not want to live that type of life. It's not truly living if you are not experiencing life.

Rest is more than a nap. Rest is more than an hour massage or a day off. Sometimes we feel guilty that we haven't rested so we 'schedule' a couple hours of rest, and it becomes just like all of our other commitments we have on our to do list. Our rest becomes a task to accomplish and we become more and more exhausted.

I know many who have told me they had to become sick, to become well. They had to be knocked down with chronic illness, probably caused by too much busyness and not enough rest, to find out how important true, real rest is for all of us. Through these journeys, they have also found out that wealth and success as the world sees it are not what matters in life. The love and laughter of family and friends is what matters. Relationships matter. Rest matters. Real rest.

Chronic busyness causes chronic stress which causes chronic illness. I know. I have recently been diagnosed with one. Yet, I am struggling to prioritize my life to get well. My doctor has given me a warning to slow down, yet I keep going, I keep doing, I keep striving for worldly applause and success. The more I strive for these things, the worse my health is, and the worse I feel. A couple days ago, God made a loud point and made me so dizzy and fatigued, I could not do anything else but rest. I slept. I sat out under our big twisted willow tree and listened to the birds, the sound of the wind, neighbor kids laughing, hummingbirds buzzing over my head, and silence.

We get busy and we forget to pay attention to our life, to our loved ones, to our faith, and to our health. We don't see the beauty, we just get in a mode of doing, not living.  We stare at computer and phone screens, thinking we are connected but instead we are deeply disconnected from life and relationships.

I have been rudely awakened to the importance of rest and real relationships through my body having a revolt against my busyness. While I am not thrilled to be dealing with a chronic illness right now, I am thankful that I have been awakened to the life I was living and what it has been doing to my body.

I am in a new season. A season of restoring my health, reconnecting with God, learning to be still, knowing that rest is healthy not bad, and getting intentionally connected with friends and family face to face...these are what matter in life. These are the things that leave a legacy, not busyness.

What needs to change for you today to restore healthy rest, to connect with people face to face, to be still, to see the beauty that surrounds you every day? Make the changes and truly live the life you have been given. It is a gift.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tulip Fields

Last week, I was able to go to the tulip fields in Washington State. I have wanted to visit them for a long time, and finally had a chance. Many of the tulips were done blooming, but I was still able to take in much of the beauty. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

What Are You Chasing?

We all chase something. 

My dog chases her tail. She also chases cats that wander in her yard, and she loves to chase balls and sticks.

Some people chase the impossible dream, other people chase careers, love, money, beauty, approval, popularity, perfection. 

Lately with all the rain and cold weather we have had, I've felt like chasing the sun. 

What you chase, defines you, shows your priorities in life. What you chase shows a lot about who you are and what you value. 

If we forfeit what we are passionate about to chase money, we succeed at something that doesn't really matter. If we chase perfection, we miss the opportunity to learn from our mistakes, reset, and enjoy life.

If we are always running, chasing a life that we weren't designed for, then we miss the life we were designed to live, the purpose and plan that God set in our hearts and we are never truly content or happy, so we continue to chase things that do not matter. We always want more, instead of experiencing joy and peace. 

What are you chasing today? Do you need to stop chasing, and allow a time of quiet to overwhelm you, reset your life, readjust your focus? Do you need to pursue the things you know you care about and are passionate about, even if pursuing them will not bring you the earthly wealth you may seek? Do you need to set aside your OCD and perfection driven life to just live, love, and find joy in your family, your friends, and just be? Do you need to stop chasing the life of someone else, whether it's their looks or their lifestyle and just be thankful for who you are and what you have? 

We can all improve our life, no doubt about it, and we should, but when we spend all of our time chasing things that take all of our time, or are not our life calling, or make us pull away from what truly matters, then our lives need to take a course adjustment. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Checking In

It has been a long time since I have intentionally sat down to write. I most definitely miss it. I hope to write more often, so please check back. 

Life has changed a lot since I last posted. My pup is now almost two. She is a non-ending ball of energy.  But, we love her and try to keep up with her. 

A few updates: 

I switched jobs a couple months ago. 

My hubby is back in school, and working full time.

I still love photography, just don't get as much time to get out and take photos.  When I do get out with my camera, I seem to make up for lost time!! 

Life is busy. But, we try to take time to intentionally slow down and enjoy. Today, we hiked and enjoyed a beautiful waterfall, wildflowers, each other, and creation for two hours. It was a much needed hike next to the roaring water to help us unwind, breathe, disconnect, and remember that God is in control in this crazy world we live in.  Our bodies and souls need time to breathe, to relax, to be present, to enjoy the outdoors, to intentionally connect face to face with those in our lives, to get some exercise, and to laugh.