Thursday, May 10, 2007

Day In Review/Update on Brandon

Update from Doug on Brandon:

Brandon has been down graded from critical to stable. The drugs are having their way with his mind. He is reliving Iraq. No infection! I will travel soon to him. Karen and I have made up are minds that we moving to Texas to be with him. I have left work preparing to go. Karen will return to closeout her business. Then we will have a better idea of time frame. I want to write the story of this soldier and his unit. They are the most amazing picture of humanity. This is why God put the camera in my hand. Its a story of love, compassion, loyalty, friendship, honor and at its center is God. You have all been casted in this story because of your love for these guys. See a soldier and share your appreciation for them! In Christ Doug


We have been having wonderful spring weather! The flowers are beautiful and the warm temps feel so good. I am not very patient, however, and wish our yard would hurry up and sprout. I keep looking, but it's still just seed sitting there. It's been four days, what's taking so long!! haha This is definitely a lesson in waiting for me. As I drag the house and sprinkler around the front yard, I keep wondering why we didn't put a sprinkler system in. Yesterday morning, I was getting ready for work, and was out dragging it around and trying to correctly adjust the sprinkler. I set it down and as I did, the sprinkler flipped right in my face and drenched me. My neighbors across the street were sitting in their porch swing and as I glanced up, they had their hands over their mouths and I could tell they were trying really hard to wait to laugh until I at least turned around, which I appreciate. Fortunately, it was quite windy so I dried off fast.

Of course, I had to take more pictures of my flowers before they quickly fade into a beautiful memory. We also enjoyed another magnificient sunset last night. I must say that the prairie sunsets are pretty stunning. Enjoy your day!

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