Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Self Evaluation

Laugh at yourself. You will always be your greatest source of humor. Don't ever take yourself so seriously that you can't find humor in the things you say and do.
Isn't it great to watch little kids and see how they haven't been ruined by what they are supposed to think and supposed to do in life, but that they just enjoy life and enjoy being who they are. They do silly things and laugh at themselves because it was silly. They enjoy discovering new wonders all around them. My niece, Lizzie, spent the night with grandma and grandpa last night. I was just talking to mom and they were outside planting flower seeds. Lizzie got very excited and mom went over to see what she was looking at and it was a slug, but unlike mom, Lizzie thought it was a really neat discovery. Mom just saw it as a predator to her flowers and told Lizzie she would have to squish it. Lizzie asked why so mom explained that it eats all her plants. Lizzie seemed to understand but still said she liked to watch it. Kids just have a different take on life and it's too bad we lose that somewhere along the way. I am challenging myself today to look at life through a kids eyes and to really enjoy creation (except knapweed, slugs, mosquitos, and wood ticks!) and to look at it as if I'm looking at it for the first time and to get excited about it. I'm also going to laugh at myself, and not take life so seriously because it's just too short to not enjoy it. We have a choice to make each day-to be bitter or angry and make others not to be around us or to enjoy life, be happy and be a pleasure and a blessing to those around us. I'm going to try my best to be the blessing to those I encounter along the path of life.
It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship. ~Norman Vincent Peale

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