Monday, May 21, 2007

Caching Event

We attended our first 'event' for geocaching this weekend. It was called the Flash Mob Event. It lasted 15 minutes and was kind of fun. We met a bunch of new people and were able to put faces with geo-names. It was a very cold morning, so not many showed up, but it was still fun. Afterwards, we did a few caches on our own. The one thing I really love about geocaching is it takes us to places we probably would have never discovered on our own-parks, pretty drives, monuments. One cache took us to a monument at the Kootenai County Courthouse, honoring all those who have served our country. If you haven't been there, and can get there, I recommend taking some time to go and remember. It was Sunday morning, at 9:30, so Coeur d'Alene was still quiet, which was appropriate to take time to read the many monuments and give thanks to God for all who have served our country to preserve our freedom. Thank you to all who have and who still are serving our country to keep this a free nation. May we never forget.

"...that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

Red is for the blood. Blue is for the bruise. White is for the eyes that fought for me and you. Lift your hearts today, filled with gratitude and praise, for the Veterans of the USA.

Freedom is never free. ~Author Unknown

Updates on Brandon from weekend:

Saturday night-Brandon was moved today to a new room. Its a two man room. He is very awake now. He continues to try to deal with the pain. He feels pain in the legs and feet. Phantom pain is real but very hard to make go away. His meds are not causing him to see things now but, his pain is higher because he can't take certain pain aids. Infection is still being looked for.His temp goes up and down. His cultures are coming back negative. So keep on praying! Its a long road to recovery! It has been extremely tough to keep regular hours. So my sleep although I am sleeping is at best good. I am continually ministering to others. The Gospel is rich throughout this place. The families are trying very hard to be there for their families and sometimes you just need to stop and cry so we too can heal.
In Christ Doug

Sunday night-Brandon needed to go back to ICU Sunday night. His phantom pain is very high. He needs to be watched as his dose of meds. go up. Otherwise he really tries to enjoy himself. He says hes a midget now. I told him not really because he will grow again. He wants to thank everyone for your prayer and love. He said," We need it!"

In Christ Doug and Brandon

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