Friday, September 21, 2007

Change of Season

Fall arrived early yesterday! I had to drag a coat out of the closet, turned up the heat, instead of iced tea, I had hot tea, and I tried all day to stay warm. There is fresh snow in the mountains, which seems to have arrived much too early! There was frost on my plants yesterday morning, and when my husband took the covers off the tomatoes, he said it was a sheet of ice. I can tell the tomatoes got nipped but hopefully we will get a few more tomatoes to enjoy. I have an aster that hasn't even bloomed yet, so I hope it survives this cold and blooms soon! The leaves on the trees have rapidly changed this week and some are already very beautiful around the area. This morning, the sure sign of change of the seasons is here-fog! It's the one thing I really don't like about living in this area. Somedays, fog fills the air for the entire day and we are left with a lovely hue of gray. It's on these gray days that we have to find our own sunshine. We have to decide not to let the darkness bring us down. In our daily life, we have to do the same thing. We have to look to Jesus for our light and allow him to penetrate our lives, and not let the darkness creep in. We have to let our light shine bright for others to see so they know they can make it out of the darkness. We have to be a lighthouse in this dark world so those around us can find hope.

You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. Psalm 18:28

Jesus once again addressed them: "I am the world's Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in." John 8:12


  1. I am so enjoying reading blogs of people in others parts of the country. Our weather and seasons are so different. While we in Alabama are still wearing sandals and shorts, you are wearing a coat! We had the hottest summer and we're soooo ready for some cool weather. I did actually notice some coolness in the air last night -- it was wonderful! And yes, we all have those dark moments in our life where we have to seek the light of Jesus. I'm so thankful for that light.

  2. Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I just found your site and find it enjoyable.
