Monday, September 17, 2007

Freedom Writers

Over the weekend we rented the movie Freedom Writers. I remember seeing the previews when it was in the theaters, but never got there to see it. I thought it looked good, mainly because I've worked with teens for 18 years and thought the story looked pretty real and that there were probably some lessons to be learned for those of us who do work with teens. Not only did I think it was a good movie and a great true story, but it really made me think about the kids I work with, and the people around me.

I asked myself many questions during and after the movie including:
What difference am I making in the lives of those I come in contact with? Am I willing to step out of my normal, my comfort zone, to take a chance and offer hope to someone, to help them realize they can change their circumstances, the norm in their lives to make a better life for themselves? Do I see people for who they really are beneath the masks, the facades, the walls they put up to try to keep others out, and from seeing their true hurts? Do I try to see beyond their hurts, their prejudices, their behaviors, or do I just dismiss them, falling into a type of prejudice myself, and write them off as not worth my time, like some of the teachers did in the life of these kids. Do I take the time to look deep inside of others and really care about them? Do I take the time and the effort, even if they push me away, to try to reach out to them and show that they do have great worth in this life, that they have the power to change their circumstances, and that as long as we are alive, there is hope? Do I invest my time wisely to help others, or do I just go through the motions and move on? Do I truly listen to others and their life stories, and do I respect their stories, no matter what they have been through?

We all have the power to change. We all have incredible power within us, if we are willing to face what scares us, and that which is different from us and the norm of our lives. People matter. All people. Take time to see others for who they really are, deep inside and offer them hope.

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. Psalm 71:14

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts! I really loved Freedom Writers as well, especially the idea that everyone has a story to tell. The human experience might be universal in its scope, but no two people walk down the same exact road. Like you, it really fired me up to look closer at people, and open my eyes to the opportunities I have to really reach out to others.
