Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sleepless Night

You know how there are those people that you meet and you instantly feel connected to them, those that you want to hang out with more just so you can glean some of their knowledge, those that make you feel important the moment you meet them, and you feel like you've known them for years because they make you feel so comfortable around them? I am getting to know a gal who is like that. She is kind and caring, and someone I look up to as a Christian woman. She has a big heart. She is a woman of knowledge and she is a giver. Because of her, I didn't sleep last night. Her husband was killed by a train yesterday, and all I could think of was the heartache, the extreme hurt she was dealing with and my heart hurts for her. They were both just retiring and she was so excited to get to spend time with her husband, as they traveled around and enjoyed the rest of their lives together. Unfortunately, that dream ended last night. None of us know why these type of tragedies happen. We can't answer the why's, and how comes. So, I will continue to pray for her and her family. None of us know how many days we have left, how many breaths we will take until our last one. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow, so live today with great love and passion. Live like you want people to remember you when you are gone. Live a legacy. Live your life so you don't have any regrets.


  1. Sorry about the your friends loss.... and I stand by your statement of how to live life.....

    I popped over from the Dingleberry site....HBO :)


  2. opps deleting 'the' .... dinlo or what...


  3. I am so sorry for your friend. I pray God's comfort for them.

  4. Connie,

    You've certainly provided the human connection to a news story which left us all feeling bad about another tragedy. Such tragedies often go by without us knowing much more than the event itself.
    Reading your blog entry provided extra dimensions which allow us to spend a few more moments of reflection about someone's loss and about the importance of valuing the time we ourselves have on this earth.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  5. how sad just as retirement approaches. I said a prayer for your friend and her family
