Friday, October 26, 2007

8 Things

I was wondering what to write about today, and while I was thinking I went over and read my friend Jenny's sight, and saw here post. She posted 8 random things that people might not know about her. So I copied this from her site, and will follow along. If you have a blog, you're supposed to post a list yourself, but if you don't, feel free to leave it in the comments. Have fun!

1. I've never flown on an airplane. Yes, I use the 'if God wanted me to fly, he would have given me wings' excuse. I like to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground!!

2. I went to college to become a youth counselor, but my guidance counselor at the college would not let me go into this major, because my English grades were too impressive. I told her I did not want to go into English, but she signed me up for classes that reflected that as my major any way. So, for 19 years I have been volunteering my time with youth instead, and I don't regret a moment of that time.

3. I love to ride dirt bikes! I don't own one, so it makes it a bit more complicated to go riding, but when I get the opportunity, I love to ride.

4. I own enough scrap booking supplies to open a well-stocked, large store. However, all my pictures remain in the envelopes or in photo boxes.

5. I am very competitive and hate to lose, whether I am playing the game, or my team is playing the game.

6. I am an extreme control freak. Okay, if you know me, you probably already know that piece of information!

7. The Oregon Coast is my favorite vacation spot! It's so beautiful.

8. I love sunsets and feel blessed to live in an area where the sunsets are absolutely amazing. I love the beauty of creation and hope to never take any of it for granted.


  1. Love it! You have never flown??? I had no idea...and that's crazy about your college guidance counselor. What were they thinking? Have a great weekend!!

  2. That was very interesting. I might have to try it in my blog soon.

  3. Thanks for sharing more of who you are. I will post that sometime in the future.
