Monday, October 15, 2007

Fun in the Sun

We spent most of the weekend in Sandpoint. It was nice to get away, I just should have left the cell phone at home if I wanted an entirely quiet weekend, because work did catch up with me mid-day yesterday. Mom and dad have very, very slow dial up, so I wasn't on the computer at all. It was kind of nice to take a break from technology and just enjoy life. The colors on the drive to Sandpoint, and around the area are amazing right now! Plus, the sun shining on all the beautiful hues of fall made everything that much more vibrant.

My sister and I, and her two girls, spent most of Saturday together.
We went to the park and played and laughed.

The static electricity from the slide made our hair stand straight up, so that provided
a good laugh in itself.

After playing, we decided that we needed an ice cream break. Some enjoyed the ice cream more than others.

We cleaned up a bit and then went to the dollar store and I told the girls I would buy them one thing each. While one rode in the cart, one walked the aisles and both mastered the puppy dog eyes to get their auntie to buy them more stuff. Yes, I am a sucker!!! I don't get to spend a lot of time with them, so I have to spoil them while I can. Plus, it's the dollar store!! At least I got out of there for under $20!!

Sunday, we celebrated my mom's birthday a couple days early. Dad made delicious shrimp/chicken/veggie shish kabobs!! We had a great weekend, and I am thankful for the time with my family.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week end. I would give up techknowledge too for a great family week end.
