Sunday, October 21, 2007


As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.

Proverbs 27:19

Reflect-to give back or exhibit as an image, likeness, or outline
realize, consider
to think quietly and calmly

Reflection. I did a lot of that over the weekend. We had a youth staff retreat at Riverview Bible Camp, north of Cusick. It's a great camp, and the beauty of God's creation was reflected in Pend Oreille River. We had a wonderful time of worship on Saturday night, where I really reflected on my walk with God lately. As I considered, thought about, and realized how I've been doing in my time with my God, I was brought to a very sobering place that I have not been giving back to God much of a reflection at all of the likeness or image of how I should be living. Life has been so busy, that I have forgotten to take time to reflect on His greatness, His majesty, His word, His love for me, and as I've been scurrying through life, and worrying about a lot of things, I have forgotten to STOP and just reflect on how great our God is. If I'm to exhibit His love, and be a likeness, a reflection of who Jesus is, I need to live much more intentionally and stop just running through life, trying to control everything myself, which I must say really has not been working out the best!! I am thankful that God allows do-overs and that Jesus is always standing there with His arms wide open, waiting for me to surrender my worries, fears, busyness, and stress to Him and if I allow Him, He will take it all from me. I just have to remember not to take it back once I give it up! I am thankful for a quiet weekend, with great training, good friends, and times to reflect on where I am in life so that I can get back on track and move on, and work much more intentionally on reflecting God and not merely reflecting myself.


  1. I always liked the saying "God allows do overs." No matter how many times we ask to to do it over to get it right. He says "Yes my daughter."

  2. Sounds like you received some great things from the weekend retreat.
