Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yesterday had been a roller coaster of a day, and when I got home I was feeling kind of down, plus I was mentally and physically exhausted. I went to the mailbox and found a card from my friend, which as usual, arrived just when I needed some words of encouragement. The card talked about how our friendship is a blessing and how we can trust each other and how we understand each other, and how our faith gets us through. The words in that card helped to change my attitude. Isn't it funny how we let little things bring us down, when we know deep inside that they aren't worth our time or energy? Or we let falsehoods come in to our minds and tell us that things are worse than they are, instead of winning over those thoughts and filling our minds with good things. I know that satan uses exhaustion to not only wear us down physically, but emotionally and spiritually, which is why it's so important to take every thought captive before it turns into something ugly because the more our minds wander, especially when we are worn out, the uglier our thoughts become and we can make take something small and let it fester in our minds until it becomes poisonous. So today, while I am still quite tired, I am going to work on keeping my mind on Godly thoughts, and later, I am going to work on getting some much needed rest.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.2 Corinthians 10:5


  1. I'm not sure what it was about yesterday, but it seems like everyone around me, even in the blogger world, had things happen that made the day not so good. But I know what you mean about those encouraging cards that come right when you need them most. I save those in a special drawer and read them at other times.

  2. I found the best picker upper for me is put praise music on and sing along if you dare. If not just reflect on the words. It does my soul good.
