Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First Snow

After much anticipation, it finally arrived, and a lot of it! Our first snow blanketed the area last night. First, we just had enough to make the roads a sheer glare of ice, and then around 9:15, large flakes came tumbling down from the sky so heavy that visibility was limited to only a few feet in front of where you were looking. Around midnight, the winds picked up here on the prairie and this morning, we have areas without any snow, and others that are a foot deep! I feel like a little kid when the first snow is predicted, and I always go to the back door and turn the light on to see if it's snowing yet. Last night, it came down so hard, I didn't have to wonder if it was snowing yet, because it was easy to see it was. The gray and bleakness of late November has turned clean and fresh, and bright. God does the same for us, if we let him. He will turn our darkness into light, and wash us and make us fresh and new, and cleanse us from our sins, we just have to ask. Today I am thankful for the beautiful snow, and I am thankful that God looks at my sins and only sees me as pure as the fresh snow because of Jesus.

Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Oh, give me back my joy again; you have broken me—now let me rejoice. Psalm 51:7-8

1 comment:

  1. I love the first snow. Heck, I love any snow. I just wasn't quite ready for it last night. I had it in my head that it would be here on Thursday. It didn't matter that everyone else was saying it would be here last night. I still wasn't ready for it. But, I slid home safely and don't have to go anywhere today. Maybe I'll actually get something done (if I can sit in my chair long enough to get something done rather than running to the window every couple minutes just to look outside at God's great beauty).
