Monday, November 12, 2007

A Gift

Laughter adds richness, texture and color to otherwise ordinary days.
It is a gift, a choice, a discipline, and an art.
~Tim Hansel

Laugh. Make others wonder what you are up to by laughing at life. It sure beats going through life in a bad mood! God gave us the gift of laughing, so don't waste that precious gift. Use the gift of laughter often, and make sure to pass the gift along to others. When was the last time you enriched your day by laughing so hard, your stomach hurt? I had one of those laughs a couple weeks ago with my nieces and it felt so good. So the challenge from me for this week, including to myself, is to laugh, a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Laughter will also make one look younger. I've been told I am laughing so much more since my surgery. The other comment I hear since I've been laughing more is you look younger what are you doing differently. I just say laughing
