Saturday, December 29, 2007

Midnight Sledding

After three days of fresh snow, I had a strong urge to go play. It snowed all day yesterday, and it was so beautiful out that it just seemed to be calling my name to go out and do something fun. We don't own a snow mobile, so that was out, and our cross country skis are in Sandpoint at my parents house. So, I just got ready to go to Friday night service at our church and kind of put the idea on hold. After church, we came home and ate some soup, and I told my hubby that I wanted to go sledding or something. It was already 9:00, and I think he thought I was crazy. Unfortunately, I didn't have any snow pants, so anything out in the snow for too long would leave me very wet and cold. So, we went in to Walmart and after looking everywhere logical for a pair of snow pants, we finally found them back by the kids clothes. We then remembered that we don't have a sled, so we start a search for sleds in the store, to which we find they are completely sold out. However, they have their gardening stuff out, as does Lowe's and many other businesses I was in yesterday. We are one week into winter and all the winter items are gone, but the lawn mowers, weed eaters, and everything gardening is out. Maybe if we didn't have two feet of snow on the ground, people would think more about gardening, but most the people I came across yesterday were looking for winter items, only to be told 'Sorry, we are out.' Anyway back to sledding. So, we finally left the store around 10:30, and I said it was kind of pointless to buy the pants because we didn't have a sled. My hubby remembered that we bought inter tubes last year to float the river, and we could pump them up and sled. Woo Hoo! I don't think I've been sledding in at least fifteen years, which I must add is way too long to wait! We drove around looking for a hill, but when you live on the prairie, sometimes finding a hill is a challenge. We finally found a hill in a new subdivision, where houses haven't been built yet and they have dug part of the hillside out for soil for the new houses up above. It took a couple times down to get the run packed, but after that, it was a lot of fun. It was a beautiful evening for sledding at midnight. The skyline was deep blue, with hues of blue gray and light blue intermixed. The snow fell on us the entire time we were there. We had our dog along, and she would run after us all the way down the hill and bark. I think she had as much fun as we did. Poor thing did have a bit of a problem with snowballs on her fur, though, and it took about half an hour to get the majority of them off before we finally got to bed at 1:30. I think it is a night we will both remember for a long time. We laughed a lot and it was just fun to be out in the complete stillness and quiet, enjoying an hour of acting like kids again.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Snow Day

With eight inches of fresh snow yesterday, I had to take a drive and enjoy the beauty of the new fallen snow. The sun did not come out, so everything was black and white, but it was beautiful and peaceful. Peaceful that is until the snow plow tried to run me over! I pulled off the road to let him go by, and then I met him backing up the hill right at me. I put on my brakes to have a nice time skating across the ice, wondering if I was going to hit a giant truck or a six foot snow bank, but I got stopped before either happened. A little ways down the road, I stopped to take a picture, only to hear the roar of the truck and as I looked up, he was coming straight for me again. I felt like I was part of a scene in the movie Snow Day, where the snowplow truck driver goes a bit crazy and is chasing people down. I tried to go a little faster, but the faster I went, the faster he went. I finally had a spot to pull over, and he pulled over right next to me. I was a bit worried because I did not have cell reception where I was, but he just got out of the truck to remove the tire chains. I decided to move along, even though I wanted to take more pictures. Fortunately, I arrived home safe to enjoy the rest of the snow day from my windows.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Reflections

As I reflect on the past few days, I know why I am so tired this morning. We had a blessed time at Christmas. It was busy, though. I guess it's always busy with a three and four year old running around! I am thankful for the time with family, and seeing some old friends. I am thankful to have heard from a cousin that I had lost touch with over the past eight years. What a blessing it was to have him call and talk to all of us.

I also think of the loved ones we lost over the year, and our many friends who lost loved ones over the year and say a prayer for them at this time. I think of my aunt and uncle who just lost their son a couple of weeks ago. I talked to my aunt on Sunday and she said she just couldn't get in the Christmas mood, and I told her it was okay, everyone understood. I think of our friends, who lost their mom a week ago, and pray for them. I never met their mom, but after attending her memorial service on Saturday, I felt like I knew her. She must have been an incredible woman!! I think of Brandon Adam and his family and all he's been through this year. I think of the many families who have their loved ones off at war. I think of my friend who is battling cancer and pray for her and her family. I continue to miss my Grandma again this year. My husband misses his dad.

As I think of all the sadness, I am also reminded of how blessed I am to have spent Christmas with my sister and her family, my parents, and my mother-in-law. I am blessed to be a part of such an amazing church family. I am blessed to have just celebrated my 21st Christmas with my husband. I am blessed to live in this country. Christmas isn't about presents, but about the gifts of family, loved ones, time together. It's about love. Love for each other and love for a Savior, and about a Savior's love for us. It's about being mindful of the many things we are blessed with, and offering help and prayers to those who are struggling. Let's keep the Christmas hope alive throughout the next year. Let's enjoy our loved ones while we still can. Let's laugh more, love more intentionally, and remember that life is about how we live it and how we treat those around us. What type of legacy are you leaving? How will you be remembered? Do you choose love?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Manger of My Heart

I found this on another site and it really touched my heart, so wanted to share it. Merry Christmas!!
The Manger of My Heart
This Christmas, Lord, come to the manger of my heart.
Fill me with your presence, from the very start.
As I prepare for the holidays, and gifts to be given,
Remind me of the gift You gave,
when you sent Your Son from Heaven.

The first Christmas gift, the greatest gift ever,
You came as a baby born in a manger.
Wrapped like the gifts I find under my tree,
Waiting to be opened, to reveal Your love to me.

This Christmas, Lord, come to the manger of my heart.
Search me and know the most intimate parts.
Reveal to me if I have ever hung a sign within,
Claiming it off limits, implying “no room at the Inn.”

Restore to me the wonder that came with Jesus’ birth,
when He left the riches of Heaven
and wrapped Himself in rags of earth.
Emmanuel, God with us, Your presence came that night.
As angels announced, “Into your darkness,
God brings His Light.”

“Do not be afraid,” they said, to shepherds in the field.
Speak to my heart today, Lord, and help me to yield.
Make me like those shepherd boys, obedient to your call.
Casting distractions and worries aside,
to You I surrender them all.

Surround me with Your presence, Lord,
I long to hear your voice.
Clear my mind of concerns and all the holiday noise.
Slow me down this Christmas, let me not be in a rush.
In the midst of parties and planning,
I want to feel Your hush.

This Christmas, Jesus, come to the manger of my heart.
Invade my soul like Bethlehem,
bringing peace to every part.
Dwell within and around me,
as I unwrap Your presence each day.
Keep me close to You, Jesus.
It’s in your wonderful Name I pray.
© 2003, Renee Swope ~

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holiday Grouchiness

I must say that I am getting a bit irritated about the holiday. Yes, the holiday is making me grumpy. I am so tired of everything being holiday song, holiday party, holiday tree, holiday musical, holiday card, holiday lights, holiday stamps, holiday, holiday, holiday. How about holyday? That is what December 25th is about. It's a holy day. It's CHRISTmas. I have been purposely saying Merry Christmas to clerks in stores, and servers in restaurants. Many seem happy when you say that because most say it back with a large smile. It's like I am giving them permission to say the 'naughty' word. I heard a clerk say happy holidays to a gentleman beside me the other day, and he said, "No! It is not a happy holiday, it is Merry Christmas and I am going to keep it that way, I don't care what anyone says.' Our pastor said we should be walking around saying Merry Christbirthdaymas, which is just too much of a mouth full for me, but it's a good idea. My three year old niece asked me a question a month ago when we went by gift bags and party supplies while shopping, 'So, who's birthday is next?' Of course, we had just celebrated her third birthday so birthday's were fresh in her mind. I told her Jesus birthday was next. She looked at me funny, and said 'Jesus?' I said 'yes, Jesus birthday is why we have Christmas.' She has been told that by her parents, but at three, you need reminders. She thought a minute, and said we needed to buy Jesus a present. For the past month, she has been saying the same thing while out shopping. I guess she even told a clerk in the store that it was Jesus birthday. Out of the mouths of babes, who don't know about political correctness yet, comes truth. How much do we as adults, who believe that Jesus came as a baby to save us, are out telling those around us that it's Jesus birthday? Do we buy into the holiday talk, or are we saying Merry CHRISTmas, and happy holyday?

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. Romans 10:9-10

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


As I was in Walmart last night at 10 pm, after a long night at youth group, I saw the sign that made my heart skip a beat! It said '8 days 'til Christmas.' Now, I knew that but to see it made me nearly have a panic attack! I'm not prepared!! I haven't wrapped any presents, I still have a few cards to get out, I need to deliver a few packages, I have to clean my house, I need to buy a few last small gifts, and I know I need to get some food for Christmas dinner. Then I stopped to think about it and more than anything, my heart isn't prepared. Here it is the time of year that we celebrate my Savior's birth, and I haven't even taken any time to reflect on that because I feel like I've been running a marathon to get things done. In the big scheme of things, none of the other to do's matter. All that matters is that a baby was born in a manger on a dark night, and the reason he was born was to save the world. Why do we get so stressed over everything WE make Christmas? Why can't we just simply spend this season focusing on and worshipping our Savior? I need to take time in the next week to prepare my heart, as I've been preparing presents, cards, and everything else. If my heart isn't prepared then I will just go through the season and never focus on the importance of the holy night of our Savior's birth.

He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. 6While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
The Shepherds and the Angels 8And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ
the Lord. 12This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."
13Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 14"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."
15When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."
16So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. Luke 2:5-20

Monday, December 17, 2007

We received quite a bit of snow over the weekend. It is very beautiful! There seems to be a peacefulness that comes with fresh snow. I don't know why, but all seems clean and quiet right after a snowfall.

It was a good weekend, overall. We had two Christmas parties, one with the leadership of the ministry we work with, which was a lot of fun. We laughed a lot, and just enjoyed being together. The second party was a work party and just not as much fun as the other gatherings we've been part of this year. It seems at those type of parties, all everyone does is try to impress the others and no one is really real.

Our prayers go out to our friends who lost their mom last night to a long battle with cancer. We pray for peace and comfort for your whole family.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Memories Made

We had some overnight guests the past couple days. My mom, sister, and her girls came down to finish up shopping, and to just have some good times together. When they walked in the door, the great unveiling of our tree got every one's attention! It's hard to miss a tree that is almost eleven feet tall!! Our youngest niece stood beside it, and slowly looked at it from bottom to top, and when she got her head all the way back, she just said 'Wow! That is a big tree!'

Yes, I know my tree is far from the Martha Stewart look, but I like it. It's full of ornaments that have been collected over the past forty years. My parents, and often grandparents, gave us an ornament every year. My parents still give us ornaments even now that we are all grown up and I look forward to them every year. When I moved out of the house, I took over around forty ornaments with me, which was great! Almost every ornament on our tree has a memory of some kind attached to it. I have a big gray pig that my mom made me out of corduroy the year we raised pigs and took them in 4-H. I have a large assortment of angels from my grandma. There are beaded candy canes from my nieces, and reindeer made from clothespins from the years we did 5th & 6th grade youth group. My hubby has a lot of Coke ornaments since he is a Coke collector, but with that collection are many ornaments he has collected over the past twenty years from my family that represent different things to him, as well. Our tree may not win prizes for best decorated, or most amazingly beautiful, but we like it. The angel on top was made by my mom for our first Christmas we were married. The top of our tree may not look like it has many ornaments, but there are quite a few smaller ones tucked in the branches.

After finishing up shopping, we drove over to the house on Glenwood in Post Falls that I talked about in an earlier post. The display left Hannah speechless, except for an occasional WOW! Liz just kept repeating that it was so beautiful, and it was crazy how pretty it was! My mom and sis were impressed as well, and I could sit there all night and watch the incredible light show!

After dinner, we came home and the girls had fun with our dog. She definitely loves when they visit! The three did get a little wild for a few minutes, and a few ornaments went flying through the air, along with a few needles, and one ornament got caught in our dog's tail and as she wagged her tail, a beaded bell that my mom made kept going back and forth, back and forth!

It was a great couple days, and as always, I cherish the memories we made the past couple days.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


We took a drive on Sunday to see how many bald eagles we could find down by Wolf Lodge. I've wanted to go down there for a number of years now, but we've never made it. Last year, we got there too late, and most of the eagles had already left. So, I suggested we take a drive before the snow started again. We saw somewhere between 40-50 eagles within an hour. I missed a fantastic photo opportunity, when a bald eagle swooped down to get a fish, and another bald eagle was right by it's side, and suddenly, from out of no where, a golden eagle that was easily the size of the two bald eagles put together, swooped down after both bald eagles. Needless to say, the fish was dropped back in the water as the golden eagle chased after the two bald eagles. It was an amazing sight! It was a gray day, with lots of fog and clouds, and the snow actually started to fall while we were out there so not the best day for pictures, but the mental pictures will stay with us for years to come!

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

Monday, December 10, 2007


It was the beginning of the Christmas party schedule this weekend. We traveled up for a party at my mother-in-law's apartment complex and had a good time. My nieces went with me, so they, along with three other little ones, were the center of attention. Their night was made when they got to play the bells in the band that was there singing Christmas carols. Both of them love music and are developing a great talent in playing music and singing, so they were absolutely thrilled when the lady playing the guitar asked them if they would like to play the bells.

Of course, after two hours of sitting at the same table, they got a little bored, so they started to decorate themselves with the table decorations, but overall they did really well.

I met with some friends, the leaders I work with in the middle school youth ministry at our church, for a Christmas party at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. We had a good time looking at the lights, and just laughing a lot.

Again, I am trying to stay focused on Jesus this season. The busyness can so easily get in the way and we can be overwhelmed with things to do. We need to focus on Him, and remember if it weren't for Jesus birth, there wouldn't be Christmas.

All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us." Matthew 1:22-23

Friday, December 7, 2007

What's the Season About?

It's the beginning of the craziness of Christmas. Actually, it started last weekend, but this weekend has parties and get togethers. I still haven't touched my cards, my house is far from decorated, and I still have a few gifts to purchase. I'm feeling overwhelmed and stressed! Is this what Christmas is about? No! I need to refocus on the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Christ. Christmas is not about running around, being stressed out. It's about peace and salvation. It's about a baby being born in a stable to save all of mankind. It's about blessings. It's a birthday celebration, so let's not make it a season that gives us so much stress that we forget about the real meaning of Christmas. Take some time to focus on the joy and peace of the season this weekend.

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, 7and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:6-7

10But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. 12This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Luke 2:10-12

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The sun is shining today. After a few weird weather days, snow, rain, rain, and rain, it's nice to see the sun. The sun is shining on my day as well. We got some good news yesterday, which was a nice change. It lightened up some of the load I've been carrying this past week, so my shoulders feel a little lighter! Hopefully by this afternoon, they will feel a lot lighter since I am going up to the Highlands two friends to have a girls afternoon, and get a massage. Ahhh, sounds so nice. First, I am going to go finish my Christmas shopping, hopefully, and meet one of the friends for lunch. We need some catch up time because it's been awhile. Today, I am thankful for the blessing of good news, the blessing of friends, and the blessing of my family. Oh, and the sunshine is nice as well.

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. Psalm 7:17

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Grab the Opportunity

My cousin died unexpectedly two days ago. He had a bloody nose, which was the result of a brain aneurysm. A few hours later, he was gone. He lived in Iowa, along with many of my family members. I haven't been back to see family in sixteen years, so it had been at least that long since I last saw, and spoke to my cousin. We always had a great time together when we were kids growing up and we would go back to visit. He lived right next to my grandpa, so we saw a lot of each other when we were back for our annual vacations. We spent a lot of time laughing and having a good time. Now, I am thinking about how I hadn't seen him in so long, and now I never will get to see or speak to him again. He was only in his mid-forties, so his life was cut short. We never know when it's our last day on this earth, or the last day of someone we know, so make the most of each moment. It's Christmas, which is a good time to get in contact with those you may have lost touch with over the past few years. All I can say is don't wait because if you wait, it may be too late. Take the opportunity to call, write, email, myspace, or go see them in person today, so not another opportunity is lost. I pray for his daughters, and his parents who have been through a lot the past couple years, as well as his sisters, and his fiance. I pray they find peace and comfort in their Father's arms in this time of great sorrow.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Great Adventures in Christmas Tree Gathering

We ventured out in the snow this weekend to find our Christmas tree. It's usually found by now, and up, but life has been hectic, so we set aside Saturday for our tree hunting adventure. I have to say adventure because I am very picky and it usually takes me hours to find a tree. I could write a book just on our Christmas tree gathering adventures!! When we left the house, there were light snow flurries, but as the day progressed, those snow flurries turned to huge, very heavy snowflakes, and by the time we left, there was at least four new inches of snow in places. It was a beautiful afternoon to be out in the woods. We took our trusty tree hunting dog with, as well. She loves the snow, go for rides, and be in the mountains, so she had a great day, as well.

We saw a cow moose during some of the heaviest snow.

We saw a couple trees that would work, but they weren't our favorites, so we drove around looking for more options. I spotted one across a meadow, and my hubby thought it was beautiful as well, so he trompsed across the deep snow to go check it out up close. My husband is 6'3" and as he stood next to this tree, he looked like a little boy. The tree was huge!!! It's funny how they never look that big out in the forest. He comes back to the truck all excited and says it's one of the prettiest trees he's ever seen, and we definitely should get it. I told him how the tree was at least three times his size but he thought it would fit in our house. 'Afterall, we do have vaulted ceilings!' I insisted it would not fit in our house, and that we needed to look for a smaller tree. After a little resistance, he agreed. We made a couple stops to check out trees, but none of them seemed just right. By this time, we have about 2o minutes before dark, so we are both starting to be concerned that we would not find a tree, and with 10-20 inches of snow in the forecast for overnight, we would not be able to get back up to get a tree. So, we started to diligently search. Finally, I spotted one that I think will work. I got out of the truck this time to go check it out, not realizing that the snow right out my door was knee deep! After getting out of that snow bank, I went to inspect the tree. I still thought it was pretty, but too big, but my hubby ensured me it would be just right after we cut off all the dead on the bottom. He cut it down and loaded in the truck, just as dusk was settling in. On the way down, he said this tree was much smaller than the original one he wanted to get so it would be just right for our house.

I had an afternoon meeting today, and on my way home I called to let my hubby know I was on my way. He started to laugh quite hard, and said it was a good thing we had a nice sized living room, and that we didn't get the other tree. I asked if there was any room for the furniture, or if it was all tree. He just continued to laugh. One year when we still lived in Sandpoint, we had to move all but two pieces of furniture out of our living room, and then the tree covered part of the couch, because the tree he got 'that wasn't too big' took over our living room. Granted, it was a much, much smaller space, but same idea. Well, most of the furniture still fits, but it is a large tree.
Remember how I said my hubby is 6'3"? Remember how I said we had vaulted ceilings?

Yes, that is a 6 foot ladder with a 6 foot man on top of it!
We are still in the process of decorating it. There are 600 lights on this tree, and we are working on getting the ornaments on it. It might take a couple days, but it will be pretty when it is finished. I am just thankful for one more adventure to add to our Christmas tree gathering memories!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Living Life

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." —Abraham Lincoln

As you go about your day, think of how people will remember you when you are no longer around, and live a life so that you will be remembered fondly for many years to come. We may have decades yet to live our life, or we may have much less than that. Either way, certain people may only come in contact with you for a brief time, and you only have a small window to leave a lasting impression on them. Others you will know for years, and they will see your good and bad times, but make sure they remember the good times, more than the bad. Yet others, we live with. They are the ones who see who we truly are; what will they remember about you? What will live in their hearts for the rest of their lives every time they think about you? Today, live intentionally, love others, and laugh a lot.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Light Show

So the big hoopla over Good Morning America in Coeur d'Alene for the 'lighting' of the already lit lights at the Resort has taken over the local media. I'm sure the local residents will be thrilled when fireworks are shooting off over the lake in the wee hours of the morning, just to impress GMA, even though they were already shot off Friday night at the 'official' lighting of the Resort lights. The lights may be impressive, but I can't say firsthand because I haven't been down there this year. In the past, it has been good show, but there is a home in Post Falls that to me rivals the Resort. It may not be as large, but it is a great display, and the neighbors have great displays in their yards as well. This little cul de sac has done a great job of bringing Christmas cheer to the area. The one house has their lights set to music. There are thousands of lights, all colors and all displayed at different times as the songs go along. If you are in the Post Falls area, I highly recommend taking a drive down Seltice, turning on Greensferry, driving down to Black Forest, and turning on the first street to your right, Glenwood. As you turn the corner, flip your radio station over to 90.5, and enjoy the show!! It may not get national attention, but it's definitely worth checking out! Just remember it's the Christmas season, so be polite as you may have to wait in line to see the lights, and as they remind you on their radio station, please do not block the neighbors driveways! Enjoy the show!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First Snow

After much anticipation, it finally arrived, and a lot of it! Our first snow blanketed the area last night. First, we just had enough to make the roads a sheer glare of ice, and then around 9:15, large flakes came tumbling down from the sky so heavy that visibility was limited to only a few feet in front of where you were looking. Around midnight, the winds picked up here on the prairie and this morning, we have areas without any snow, and others that are a foot deep! I feel like a little kid when the first snow is predicted, and I always go to the back door and turn the light on to see if it's snowing yet. Last night, it came down so hard, I didn't have to wonder if it was snowing yet, because it was easy to see it was. The gray and bleakness of late November has turned clean and fresh, and bright. God does the same for us, if we let him. He will turn our darkness into light, and wash us and make us fresh and new, and cleanse us from our sins, we just have to ask. Today I am thankful for the beautiful snow, and I am thankful that God looks at my sins and only sees me as pure as the fresh snow because of Jesus.

Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Oh, give me back my joy again; you have broken me—now let me rejoice. Psalm 51:7-8

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Black Friday, Quiet Sunday

It was a crazy, busy weekend with family. We celebrated Thanksgiving in Sandpoint with family. Thursday night, my mom, sister, and my nieces came home with us so we could go shopping on Friday. Kmart was our first stop at 6:30, and there were way too many people for me! We then went to Rite Aid, Sportsman's Warehouse, and Black Sheep all of which were smaller crowds, nice clerks, and good sales. We ventured over to Costco to grab a few things, and it was busy in there, but bearable. We then went for lunch at GW Hunters, and for some reason we lost our sanity for a few moments and went to Cabela's. NEVER AGAIN will we venture to Cabela's on a day like that! I think there were more people in the store than live in Bonner County! It was insane, and many of the shoppers were quite rude, thinking that someone may beat them to a deal if they offered any politeness or cordialness to others. I didn't have anything to shop for in there, and was just trying to take my nieces to see the aquarium and the animal displays, but after a man hit my three year old niece in the head and didn't apologize, but looked at us like we were in the wrong even though he cut in front of us, I decided we had enough and we waited up front for my mom and sis. We went back to my house and enjoyed some peace and quiet, well as much quiet as you get with a three and four year old in the house! ha It took us until the next morning to get over the trauma of walking in Cabela's with the hoards of people! Well actually, I still think my mom is having post traumatic stress disorder over the whole ordeal.

Today, my hubby and I opted for a more serene setting and headed to the mountains before the massive snow storm they are predicting hits the area, and we won't be able to go up to enjoy the serenity of going for a mountain drive for at least five months. It was a cold day, but it was so beautiful in the woods. We forgot to grab the saw, so weren't able to get our Christmas tree but the day was filled with beautiful scenery. We found a dusting of snow, and trees brushed with ice. The setting was picture perfect.

As we came around an icy corner, we spotted a cow moose above the road. She wasn't much for showing herself off to us, so she trotted up the hillside, into the trees. A few hundred feet down the road, I spotted a cow moose and calf below the road, nibbling on trees. The calf went closer to mom, but other than that, they were pretty unaffected by us sitting and watching them for a good half an hour. On our way out of that area, we spotted another cow moose on a hillside, who I am sure had spotted us before we spotted her.

We decided to take another road, and as we were traveling along it, I noticed some fresh moose tracks. We came around a corner and there were three ATV's sitting in the road. One of the kids came running back and told us there were three moose in the road ahead, and they wouldn't move. They decided to play it safe and turn around, but we were in our pickup so went around the corner to see the moose. Sure enough, momma moose had the road blocked!!

She did not have any intentions of moving, either, and if a moose does not want to move, you certainly don't make them move. Unlike the ATV's, we did not have anywhere to turn our pickup around without backing up for quite aways, so we waited, and we waited some more, and mama moose kept giving us a dirty look, and we were wondering at one point if she would charge us with the look she was giving us.

After half an hour, she finally moved off the road, along with one calf. Yes, the other stayed up on the road, eating those bushes you see, for another five minutes. The second to last thing you want to do is to push a moose. The last thing you want to do, is to get between a mama moose and her baby! So, we waited awhile longer and finally jr. moose decided to go with mom. By this time it was almost dark. We found out the road ended up ahead about 1/2 a mile, with a nice wide turn around. The snow and ice were even more beautiful as the sky turned to a dark blue-gray, and darkness settled in.

We felt totally blessed as we traveled down the mountain in the dark. God not only painted us a beautiful picture to enjoy throughout the afternoon, but he put seven moose in the scene to add even more enjoyment to our day.