I guess I have blogger block this morning. I think that last week is just weighing heavy on my mind. We found out a friend of ours has an aggressive cancer. I have been helping a couple leaders who are dealing with the kids, in the death of a 7th grade boy here in town. His death affected a number of kids in our youth program at church, so it's been a tough week. I've also been dealing with a couple other people who have some major issues going on in life right now. I specifically remember asking for a better 2008, but it doesn't seem as if it's going to be trouble free. I can ask, right?? God is still God and is bigger than all the crud that goes on in this world. Unfortunately, he doesn't promise us a problem-free life, but he does promise to be with us through it all. If we did have a problem-free life, we would not trust in him and turn to him as much as we do now, because we would think life is easy and we can do it all on our own. However, we need a Savior and we need to open up the direction manual, the Bible, to this life and know he carries us through the tough times if we allow him to do that for us.
Jesus said in John 14:27 "I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn't like the peace that this world can give. So don't be worried or afraid."
Sorry to hear about all the bad things that are going on around you. I know it must be tough. It's great that you are able to remember as you said, God is still God, and he's with us through it all.