Thursday, February 21, 2008

Snow Buddies

When the the movie Snow Buddies was being advertised on tv that it was coming on video, my little niece, who is three, turned to me and batted her eyes and said she would REALLY like to see that movie, and I should buy it for her. Since I can't resist my nieces, and I'm a sucker for Golden Retrievers, I bought it the day after it came out! Since the nieces live an hour away, we had to wait until we saw them again to watch it. The girls were both so excited! They stood with the box, asking each puppies name. Fortunately the names of each puppy are on the back of the movie, and they knew who every puppy was before we even put the dvd in the machine. They gathered up every toy puppy they could find at grandma and grandpa's house before watching the movie, and named them after the puppies on the movie. We had a great time watching the movie and giggled a lot. The girls spent the night with us the other night, and one of the main things on their agenda was to watch the movie again, which of course we did!

Just as the girls had a great joy and excitement over the movie, we should have that type of joy and excitement over our relationship with Christ. I think sometimes we try to get to technical and too 'religious' when all we have to do is be real to those around us, and have a real relationship with Christ, not out trying to be holier than thou types, because non-believers will never want that type of life! We just need to show what Christ has done in our lives, with great joy, and allow ourselves to be real so others know it's not about how great we are, but how great our God is and how forgiven we are because we all make mistakes on a regular basis. I think if we truly care for others, they will see the joy, peace, and excitement in us and wonder what is different.

1 comment:

  1. Any time with children is time to treasure. Sounds like you had a GREAT time with them.

    And the lesson below it is so true. I think that sometimes...I turn my ear to religion and GOD because people DONT keep it real. I am not saying that I don't I do...but sometimes it is hard for me to keep the faith.
