Tuesday, March 4, 2008


"If I were given the opportunity to present a gift to the next generation, it would be the ability for each individual to learn to laugh at himself."
~Charles Schulz

Last night was Monday night, which is youth group night. Usually I am at church, helping to check in three hundred kids, showing them where they need to be, and helping leaders out where I can. Last night, however, the kids met in the homes of their small group leaders. I went around to the leaders that are under me and checked out the different groups, and took some pictures. Well, I took pictures everywhere except the first group. I walked in the house and sat and enjoyed some time with the girls and then went to snap a few photos, only to find I forgot to put my card back in my camera! Oops. They had a good laugh at my expense, as they should have. After leaving there, I ran and bought a new card and off to the other groups I went. About this time, a blinding snow decided to come upon the area, which made driving quite interesting. I honestly have not seen snow flakes so large and come down so hard in a long, long time, if ever. Even with a visit from winter, the evening was a lot of fun. The kids were enjoying themselves and there was a lot of laughter everywhere I went. Some of the leaders are probably still trying to get all the chocolate cleaned up from the ice cream sundaes they had, but it built great memories for those girls and the time invested in them will be remembered throughout their life time.

Somehow, find a way to invest in a kids life. It's not always an easy job, and sometimes you don't see that you made a difference until years down the road, if ever, but you will make a difference if you care about them and show them how to live. So many kids now days don't have an adult they can look up to, so I challenge you to be that adult in a kids life, and make a real difference in someone's future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you! It is so much fun and it keeps you young.
