Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Why Worry?
It's one of those days that is full of appointments, meetings, and a 1400 piece camp mailer to send out, so my thoughts are flying around everywhere, trying to figure out how to get everything accomplished that needs to be accomplished today. I was stressing out about it, but decided to just do what I can do and know it will all get done. Fortunately, a couple people are helping me stuff the letter and brochure into the envelopes for the camp mailer, or I would be working on it until sometime next week. I am very grateful for the help!!
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6
Today is also my friend Brenda's birthday, so I want to wish her a day full of blessings and joy, and thank her for her friendship.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Quiet Time
Farragut State Park is becoming one of my favorite places for a quick getaway. We went out there the other night for a little time away from the noise of life in town, away from busyness, phones, and schedules, to take some time for just the two of us to have some one on one quiet time together.
We were the only ones on this beach, and it was nice to just sit and enjoy the quiet, to take in the stillness, and to just listen.....
....to reflect on life, on our relationship, and on God.
The evening came to an end much too quick as darkness crept across Lake Pend Oreille. I am thankful that we got to sit and relax for a bit, though, and that we were able to unwind, surrounded by God's beautiful creation.
We were the only ones on this beach, and it was nice to just sit and enjoy the quiet, to take in the stillness, and to just listen.....
....to reflect on life, on our relationship, and on God.
The evening came to an end much too quick as darkness crept across Lake Pend Oreille. I am thankful that we got to sit and relax for a bit, though, and that we were able to unwind, surrounded by God's beautiful creation.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Sunday Thought
There are many who want me to tell them of secret ways of becoming perfect and I can only tell them that the sole secret is a hearty love of God, and the only way of attaining that love is by loving. You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; and just so you learn to love God and man by loving. Begin as a mere apprentice and the very power of love will lead you on to become a master of the art. ~Francis de Sales
Friday, April 25, 2008
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”—William Arthur Ward, writer
Is there someone you need to tell today how much you appreciate them, or how grateful you are to someone for something they may have done for you? Is there someone who has touched your life in a positive way and you have not told them how much they mean to you or how what they did or said to you made a difference? Let them know how thankful you are to them today, don't wait. Take a few moments today and share some respect, love, admiration, and kind words to someone who has made a positive impact in your life, someone who made a difference in your world for the better.
Is there someone you need to tell today how much you appreciate them, or how grateful you are to someone for something they may have done for you? Is there someone who has touched your life in a positive way and you have not told them how much they mean to you or how what they did or said to you made a difference? Let them know how thankful you are to them today, don't wait. Take a few moments today and share some respect, love, admiration, and kind words to someone who has made a positive impact in your life, someone who made a difference in your world for the better.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Live It!
"Never again clutter your days or nights with so many menial and unimportant things that you have no time to accept a real challenge when it comes along. This applies to play as well as work. A day merely survived is no cause for celebration. You are not here to fritter away your precious hours when you have the ability to accomplish so much by making a slight change in your routine. No more busy work. No more hiding from success. Leave time, leave space, to grow. Now. Now! Not tomorrow!" ~Og Mandino
With spring comes spring cleaning. We need to declutter our homes after a long winter. Our lives are the same. We need to take out the things that are clutter-too much time on the computer or in front of the tv is a good place to start. Use that time to do something meaningful, use that time to do something fun, to make a memory. Once that moment or day is gone in your life, you can never get it back, it is gone for all eternity. Spend your time doing something worthwhile, something that is not a waste of the precious time God gives each of us. Grab the life you've been given and really live it!
What do you know about tomorrow? How can you be so sure about your life? It is nothing more than mist that appears for only a little while before it disappears. James 4:14
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Mom Time
I attended the Women of Faith conference over the weekend. It was a great conference with wonderful speakers, amazing music by Nicole C. Mullen, Sandi Patty, Sheila Walsh, & Ayesha Wood, and the very funny comedy of Anita Renfroe. I took away a lot of great insights from the conference, which my brain is still processing as I catch up on sleep! The best part, though, was spending time with my mom. We don't get to spend much one on one time anymore since I moved so I cherish the times we do get that opportunity to have just the two of us hang out. It was great to just be with my mom and share the experience with her. There was a moment when mom thought she wasn't going to be able to come, and I could hear the disappointment in her voice, and as I was talking to her, I felt like all the air was let out of me because I really wanted to share this weekend with my mom. After getting of the phone with her, I was trying to figure out what to do with two tickets because I really didn't want to go if mom wasn't going with me. Things worked out, and prayers were answered, so mom was able to make it. We sat on the floor of the arena, and those seats are probably only comfortable if you are a size two or under! They are small seats, so mom and I were extra close all weekend! Thanks for taking the time out of your weekend to be here, mom. The memories from the weekend are precious, and will be cherished for many years to come.
"God's most precious work of art is the warmth and love of a mother's heart."
"A mother's heart is a special place where children always have a home."
"God's most precious work of art is the warmth and love of a mother's heart."
"A mother's heart is a special place where children always have a home."
Sunday, April 20, 2008
One Year Of Blogging
A crazy weekend is wrapping up, and with a few minutes left on this Sunday, I have officially been blogging for one year. I remember signing up for a blog and then sitting, staring at my computer screen wondering why I did that, I would never write anything for others to read! Of course, these thoughts came after an hour or two of trying to answer the question that had come up before me: BLOG TITLE? Blog Title??? How do I know? After trying two other names that were similar to this title, and being rejected because they were already taken, I finally added the magic word to get the now title of my blog. Of course, I didn't know if that title would be the right one or not, and wondered if it would fit my blog or if I should change the title, but if I did, what would I change it to? I remember having a piece of paper before me with numerous titles scribbled on a piece of paper and agonizing over which would be the best to use. As you can see, I don't ever have any anxiety or control issues to deal with! Even though I had been thinking about blogging since Marianne at Slight Detour had encouraged me to blog at least a year prior to actually starting this blog, I still felt unprepared to enter this new world. I sat for quite awhile just staring at the screen, then I walked off for awhile, filled with great pressure over what would I write, and who would care? As you can see, I don't usually enter into things lightly, I am a bit of a planner and spontaneity is not my friend! I finally posted my first blog at 1:14 AM. Are you ready for the brilliant insight I wrote? I know, if you haven't read it, you are filled with great anticipation! Here it goes:
I Did It
After thinking about this for some time, I decided to take the plunge and give it a try. I look forward to joining the blogging world and seeing where it takes me.
I know that "life-changing," "thought provoking," "inspired" are the words going through your head right now after you just read or re-read my first post.
Later on that day, I wrote another post, with a bit more to say. It started like this....I love spending time with my husband. It seems life gets too busy sometimes and we forget to take time for us. A couple of pictures and a few more insights were shared.
I have enjoyed writing down my thoughts and stories, as well as sharing some pictures. It seems therapeutic to me. One of the neatest things about blogging are the new 'friends' I've meet who live thousands of miles away and I have never met face to face, yet, I read their comments and their blogs and feel like I know them. I hope to share many more thoughts, personal stories, and photos over the next year. I hope to see you along the way! Thanks for stopping by and sharing in my little world.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Change & Anniversaries
Yes, the blog look has changed again. Although I liked displaying different pictures in the title area, my mom informed me tonight that it was virtually impossible for them to get on my blog with the big picture I had on top. OOPS! They still have dial up and very, very slow dial up at that. I believe that Verizon told my parents their dial up speed is 15 k!!!! All I know is that it is incredibly slow and that you could cook a five course meal while waiting for your email to load! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but not much. Unfortunately, dial up or satellite are the only choices they have. Satellite is pretty spendy, so they have stayed with dial up. The goofy thing is, my parents live a couple hundred feet at the most from city limits but don't have any choices for internet. So, for those who still have dial up, I apologize for the amount of time it took you to get on my blog!
My mom and I are off to Women of Faith conference this weekend. It should be a great time! I'm very much looking forward to the conference, and am thankful to my hubby who bought us the tickets for Christmas.
I also want to wish my sister and her husband a happy anniversary on Saturday!
Speaking of anniversaries, Sunday will be my one year anniversary of entering the blogging world. I may or may not be able to blog on Sunday because it is a busy day, so just wanted to mention it today. Wow, one year of sharing thoughts, life, and photos with family, friends, and strangers. One year of making new friends through blogging. I hope that if you are a regular reader that you continue dropping by, and if you are new here, welcome. I hope your stops are worthwhile.
Have a wonderful weekend and pray that the predicted white stuff stays away!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Out of Whack
So, I've had this sinus infection, that turned into a cough and earaches, all week now. I must say, I was a little loopy for a couple days. I would find myself just staring off into space, not being able to concentrate. I can concentrate for about three minutes now, so I must be on the road to improvement! It seems if a little bit of our body is off, it sends our whole body out of whack.
Our spiritual bodies are the same. If just a little bit of us is out of line with God, then it takes our entire focus off God, more and more, and we get to a point where we are feeling like God isn't there, or that we don't know what He really does want for our lives because we haven't spent time with Him to find out what He does want. We have to decide to heal our spiritual issues. I know I have struggled in this area a bit lately. I have found time to do ministry, be there for everyone else, and look like I'm on top of things for God, but I'm not. Many days, I take the most important part of that relationship with God, and forget to spend one on one time with Him because I am so busy doing, I forget to just be still. I think-"I need to do this and that for ministry purposes, and this one needs ministered to, this one needs a call," but how can I keep ministering to others when I am not filling myself up with God's word each day? Yes, I need to be doing the other things, but I have to put my time with God first, or I am out of whack spiritually. Oh yes, I would read a verse or two here and there everyday, but not really sit down and read and learn. So, I have decided to get a couple people to be accountable to and commit myself to daily reading of God's word. I know they will help me stay on track, and I am going to help them to do the same.
Be still, and know that I am God Psalm 46:10
But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. James 1:22-25
Our spiritual bodies are the same. If just a little bit of us is out of line with God, then it takes our entire focus off God, more and more, and we get to a point where we are feeling like God isn't there, or that we don't know what He really does want for our lives because we haven't spent time with Him to find out what He does want. We have to decide to heal our spiritual issues. I know I have struggled in this area a bit lately. I have found time to do ministry, be there for everyone else, and look like I'm on top of things for God, but I'm not. Many days, I take the most important part of that relationship with God, and forget to spend one on one time with Him because I am so busy doing, I forget to just be still. I think-"I need to do this and that for ministry purposes, and this one needs ministered to, this one needs a call," but how can I keep ministering to others when I am not filling myself up with God's word each day? Yes, I need to be doing the other things, but I have to put my time with God first, or I am out of whack spiritually. Oh yes, I would read a verse or two here and there everyday, but not really sit down and read and learn. So, I have decided to get a couple people to be accountable to and commit myself to daily reading of God's word. I know they will help me stay on track, and I am going to help them to do the same.
Be still, and know that I am God Psalm 46:10
But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. James 1:22-25
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Circumstances & Perspective
"You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop-off, and on your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lion running at the same speed as you and the kangaroo. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation? Get off the merry-go-round!"
Sometimes, it's all about perspective! How do you view certain situations? Do you immediately overreact and panic, or do you take time to look at the circumstances and situation and think about it, and put things in the proper perspective? I can do both, but the second option works much better!
I am not complaining about having too little. I have learned to be satisfied with whatever I have. I know what it is to be poor or to have plenty, and I have lived under all kinds of conditions. I know what it means to be full or to be hungry, to have too much or too little. Christ gives me the strength to face anything. Philippians 4:11-13
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Where Did the Sun Go?
The incredible weekend is now just a nice memory, especially since we woke up to a very white landscape, again today. When will it end? Yesterday, we received a lot of rain, but at least the grass was getting green.
The weekend was a good one, though. Everywhere you went, people were smiling and happy. We went to Farragut State Park on Saturday and my parents came with us. We had a picnic, walked along the lake, let the dogs go swimming, and took in many sights, including the Navy memorial.
Sunday was a day for yardwork, bike rides, and just enjoying the sunshine. It was a good weekend. I hope that weather comes back soon!!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Smiling Down
I spent a l ot of time outside over the weekend, enjoying the incredible sunshine and warm temperatures, and today I am suffering with severe allergies, so my brain is kind of foggy!! I just thought I would share one of my favorite new songs with you.
Pillar - Smiling Down Lyrics
You make it so hard on yourself
But theres nobody else
That could ever understand
The feelings that you felt
I could hear you think about
All the time I was around
If you could only see me now
I'm right here looking down
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
I know you won't forget
All the time we got to spend
Just because it's been a while
Doesn't mean that its the end
So right here and now
I'll swear to you a vow
That I will always be with you
Whenever you feel down
Nothing ever will come between us
Now I'm holding on to the hand of Jesus
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
I'll be right there looking down
Even when the sun don't shine
I'll be right there looking down
All along the winter night
I'll be right there looking down
With a smile on my face
I'll be right there with my arms open wide
Right here on Jesus' side
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
Pillar - Smiling Down Lyrics
You make it so hard on yourself
But theres nobody else
That could ever understand
The feelings that you felt
I could hear you think about
All the time I was around
If you could only see me now
I'm right here looking down
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
I know you won't forget
All the time we got to spend
Just because it's been a while
Doesn't mean that its the end
So right here and now
I'll swear to you a vow
That I will always be with you
Whenever you feel down
Nothing ever will come between us
Now I'm holding on to the hand of Jesus
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
I'll be right there looking down
Even when the sun don't shine
I'll be right there looking down
All along the winter night
I'll be right there looking down
With a smile on my face
I'll be right there with my arms open wide
Right here on Jesus' side
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
So next time that you feel like crying
Next time you don't feel like trying
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
In the morning you don't feel like rising
Next time you feel like compromising
Just remember I'll be right there
Smiling down on you
Friday, April 11, 2008
I'm watching the sunrise this morning and it's wonderful to look outside and see the beautiful sunrise, along with clear skies! I'm normally not one who sees the sunrise too often, but today I am meeting my dearest friend for breakfast. She has to come down this way for an appointment this morning but has to be back to work shortly after her appointment is over, so we are meeting early! We haven't seen each other face to face for far too long so it will be good to get to sit down with her, even though it will be brief. Fortunately, we have a bond like few people ever have and we can go awhile without face to face contact and our friendship remains, but we do use up air time on the email and cell phones to keep in daily contact. It is precious time when we actually get to sit down and talk in person, so not to waste any of that time, I better cut this short!
"As sunshine turns a flower’s head toward heaven, so your friendship lifts my spirit."
"As sunshine turns a flower’s head toward heaven, so your friendship lifts my spirit."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Moving Past Winter
The sun is out this morning, and according to the weather forecast, things are only supposed to get better for the weekend!! I am hesitantly excited because I know how weather forecasts go, but just the thought that it could be in the 60's by the weekend is exciting. As I was out and about doing errands yesterday, people were talking about the hope of nice weather by the weekend in every business I entered. It's been a very long winter around here, and people are really getting depressed and down. It was nice to see glimmers of hope in people's eyes as they talked about warmer weather. Just like the weather, if we spend too much time in darkness and not in the light, we affect our souls, our attitudes, and our lives. We have to make time each day to focus on the goodness that God gives us and the hope He fills our lives with, if we allow Him to do that. If you've been stuck in the winter of life, take a step to move on today. Find some joy, something that makes you smile and makes your heart feel better. Take some time to actually sit down and write out things you are thankful for, or things that bring you joy. Find something that lightens your soul and gives you some peace. Look around because God reveals His beauty and majesty everywhere we look, we just have to be willing to see it.
For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Romans 1:20
I am responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself. ~Walter Anderson
Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying. Romans 12:12
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Single Sentence
"Someday, people will summarize your life in a single sentence. My advice-pick it now! Know and live the legacy you want to leave."
I heard this a couple weeks ago and wrote it down. As I was going through papers tonight, I came across it again. We have an appraiser coming in the morning to write up an appraisal on our home so we can refinance and save a pretty nice sum of money each month. I look around my house and how I am trying to get things in order in different rooms, I think how my house right now is a good reflection of my life-a bit crazy and piled with too much stuff that needs to be cleaned out and gotten rid of! As I try to organize my house, I realize my life needs to be organized as well, and I need to take better control of my time and start doing some of the things I enjoy that I haven't done in a couple of years because I've been too busy with other things. I love to scrapbook and make cards, but haven't done that in awhile, and I need to get back to organizing old family photos and getting them put in scrapbooks so that they can be properly displayed.
As I reflect on my life and this quote, I wonder what people would summarize my life as, in one or two sentences. What type of legacy am I leaving behind right now? What am I choosing to show those that come in contact with me each day about myself, whether those who are close to me or those who just cross my path on that particular day? Am I leaving a positive sentence for others to summarize my life with, or would I be embarrassed and ashamed with the sentence some may say about me? What am I reflecting to be important to me and what character traits do others see in me, and will it make a lasting heart print on those who are in my life? What sentence are you leaving for others to summarize your life with today? Is it what you want others to remember about you? If not, work with me and let's change it today!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Back in the Groove
It's time to get back in the swing of things. Spring break is over, and so is my break. I have to go back to work today, and youth group starts back up tonight, which will bring me back to reality quite quick! We have a 'share night' tonight where all the kids bring their friends. Tonight is Dodge ball night-hundreds of 11-14 year olds playing dodge ball-need I say more??
At this very moment, the sun is peaking through the dark gray clouds, but after a weekend of snow, I will take any little sun breaks we get! The forecast for the week is not a sunny one, but they claim it's supposed to be 60 by the weekend. Hmmm, I think I remember that prediction last weekend for this past weekend as well. It must be great to predict the weather because it's the only job where you can mess up all the time, and not get fired!
As I look at my calendar, I see the week is packed with meetings and events. It's easy to get overwhelmed sometimes by 'to do lists' but I just have to keep them in perspective and know when to say no. I actually have been working on that some the past couple of months, and it's nice to know the world will not fall apart if I am not able to do something with someone because I set some boundaries. This is not easy for me because my personality is to do, do, do, and go, go, go, but there have to be times when I just step back and say I'm too busy and I need some time to catch up, or to rest. It's difficult, but I'm working on healthy boundaries in my life. Of course, there are times when saying no isn't an option because someone needs to talk who is hurting, or the to do list has to be done right away, or just sometimes life requires all my attention, but I need to remember that I need to take time as soon as I can to refresh my soul and body as well. This past week, I only went to work one day, but I was still busy just in a different way. But, it felt good to get things done around my house and to take a day and play with my nieces. There were other times during the week where I just sat down and read, and I haven't done that in quite awhile. Sometimes, the lines are blurred, but I am working hard on proper boundaries in my life.
Motion and busyness, no matter how great, yield nothing unless we allow God to give us the heart. ~Grant Lovejoy
Be quiet and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
This day belongs to the LORD! Let's celebrate and be glad today
Psalm 118:24
Saturday, April 5, 2008
What a Difference a Day Makes
Friday, April 4, 2008
200th Find
We went geocaching a bit after work last night. It was fun to get out. We finally got our 200th find! Seems like we've been trying forever to get to that milestone. I'm hoping they are wrong on the weather this weekend and we can get out a little more to cache, and explore different areas. Yes, it's addicting, but more than anything, I love to go with my husband and explore new areas that we would have never found if it weren't for geocaching. Plus, just getting outdoors and walking feels great. We usually see some wildlife, and even though we cached near Cabela's and in Coeur d'Alene last night, we saw hundreds of geese. So, you see, three of my favorite things are accomplished while geocaching-spending time with my hubby, getting outdoors, and discovering nature.
"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all." ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Spring Break Ramblings
I worked hard last week and Monday to get everything done at work that needed to be done this week so that I could enjoy some of Spring Break. I know next week will be full of many 'to do's' at work, but this week was pretty light, so I took advantage of having a couple days off. Yesterday I went up and hung out with my mom and dad, and my sister's family. We went to lunch, went for a walk, and just hung out for a bit. The sun disappeared right before our walk, and it got a bit nippy, but we still had fun. The girls rode their bikes instead of walking. That road is sure a lot busier than when I grew up out there! All of us neighbor kids used to ride bikes on that road all summer and sled down the road all winter. Now days, we would have all been killed from far too many people driving much too fast on that old dirt road. I told the girls that when they come down to visit, we will go ride the trails where they don't have to worry about cars. They thought that sounded like fun.
Since it's Spring, the urge to geocache is very strong within me! I long to get out and search for new caches, and plant a few as well. I jokingly asked my dad if he wanted to go up the mountain that is across the road from them and find the many caches that are up the trail. The snow is still quite deep, so we would not have found the caches even if I would have been serious about hiking up the steep mountainside. Dad declined, but my niece who is almost 5, sat up, with really big eyes, and said she would go. We took her caching a few times last year, and she loves to search for the hidden treasures! My dad has not caught the caching bug, and I told my niece that she needed to convince grandpa to start caching so that she and her sister could go with him. She tried, but dad was not convinced. My dad has amazing skills in the woods, and 99% of the time can get you to where you need to go by his senses, but 'modern technology' of using a gps is not one of his greatest skills. Liz tried to tell him, with great enthusiasm, that once you find the treasure there are toys in it, but grandpa didn't bite! So, another thing on the to do list when she comes down is to find some 'treasure' which means we need to find some nice, easy ones for her and her sister to go find while they are here.
The sun is out today and it's supposed to be close to 50. I have a beautiful red geranium in full bloom in my kitchen, which helps bring Spring indoors! I hope to open a few windows once the temperatures warm up today. As I look out the window right now, everything is coated in a heavy layer of frost, but as I said, the sun is shining so that is about all that matters at this point!
Since it's Spring, the urge to geocache is very strong within me! I long to get out and search for new caches, and plant a few as well. I jokingly asked my dad if he wanted to go up the mountain that is across the road from them and find the many caches that are up the trail. The snow is still quite deep, so we would not have found the caches even if I would have been serious about hiking up the steep mountainside. Dad declined, but my niece who is almost 5, sat up, with really big eyes, and said she would go. We took her caching a few times last year, and she loves to search for the hidden treasures! My dad has not caught the caching bug, and I told my niece that she needed to convince grandpa to start caching so that she and her sister could go with him. She tried, but dad was not convinced. My dad has amazing skills in the woods, and 99% of the time can get you to where you need to go by his senses, but 'modern technology' of using a gps is not one of his greatest skills. Liz tried to tell him, with great enthusiasm, that once you find the treasure there are toys in it, but grandpa didn't bite! So, another thing on the to do list when she comes down is to find some 'treasure' which means we need to find some nice, easy ones for her and her sister to go find while they are here.
The sun is out today and it's supposed to be close to 50. I have a beautiful red geranium in full bloom in my kitchen, which helps bring Spring indoors! I hope to open a few windows once the temperatures warm up today. As I look out the window right now, everything is coated in a heavy layer of frost, but as I said, the sun is shining so that is about all that matters at this point!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
5 things
Meme of Fives I was tagged by Kathy's Klavier for the Meme of Fives
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player thn tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
What was I doing 10 years ago? 1998
1. Leading 5th & 6th grade youth group at our church
2. Going to a lot of wrestling matches to watch our nephew wrestle
3. Cleaning houses for 5 different people
4. ???
5. ???
5 things on my to-do list ~
1. Clean my office
2. Paint the inside of the house
3. Get the backyard in/more garden space
4. Finish reading the book 11
5. Clean up the garage
5 Snacks I enjoy ~
1. oranges
2. Soy Ice Cream
3. chocolate
4. carrots
5. strawberries
5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire ~
1. Help our church with it's building program
2. Buy a house with some acreage
3. Build a youth center in my home town
4. help family and friends who are struggling with bills
5. fulfill my husbands dream of seeing all the major league baseball parks in the US
Five of my bad habits ~
1. over commitment
2. starting projects and not finishing
3. driving too fast at times
4. worrying
5. staying up too late
Five places I have lived ~
1. several places in Iowa
2. a house in south centralWashington
3. five places in north Idaho
4. a dorm room in eastern Washington
5. Boise
Five jobs I've had ~
1. housekeeper
2. administrative assistant
3. youth worker
4. landscaping
5. tutor for middle school
I'm not going to tag five people, but if you would like to participate, just leave a link in the comments and we will go read your comments!
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player thn tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
What was I doing 10 years ago? 1998
1. Leading 5th & 6th grade youth group at our church
2. Going to a lot of wrestling matches to watch our nephew wrestle
3. Cleaning houses for 5 different people
4. ???
5. ???
5 things on my to-do list ~
1. Clean my office
2. Paint the inside of the house
3. Get the backyard in/more garden space
4. Finish reading the book 11
5. Clean up the garage
5 Snacks I enjoy ~
1. oranges
2. Soy Ice Cream
3. chocolate
4. carrots
5. strawberries
5 Things I would do if I were a billionaire ~
1. Help our church with it's building program
2. Buy a house with some acreage
3. Build a youth center in my home town
4. help family and friends who are struggling with bills
5. fulfill my husbands dream of seeing all the major league baseball parks in the US
Five of my bad habits ~
1. over commitment
2. starting projects and not finishing
3. driving too fast at times
4. worrying
5. staying up too late
Five places I have lived ~
1. several places in Iowa
2. a house in south centralWashington
3. five places in north Idaho
4. a dorm room in eastern Washington
5. Boise
Five jobs I've had ~
1. housekeeper
2. administrative assistant
3. youth worker
4. landscaping
5. tutor for middle school
I'm not going to tag five people, but if you would like to participate, just leave a link in the comments and we will go read your comments!