Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mom Time

I attended the Women of Faith conference over the weekend. It was a great conference with wonderful speakers, amazing music by Nicole C. Mullen, Sandi Patty, Sheila Walsh, & Ayesha Wood, and the very funny comedy of Anita Renfroe. I took away a lot of great insights from the conference, which my brain is still processing as I catch up on sleep! The best part, though, was spending time with my mom. We don't get to spend much one on one time anymore since I moved so I cherish the times we do get that opportunity to have just the two of us hang out. It was great to just be with my mom and share the experience with her. There was a moment when mom thought she wasn't going to be able to come, and I could hear the disappointment in her voice, and as I was talking to her, I felt like all the air was let out of me because I really wanted to share this weekend with my mom. After getting of the phone with her, I was trying to figure out what to do with two tickets because I really didn't want to go if mom wasn't going with me. Things worked out, and prayers were answered, so mom was able to make it. We sat on the floor of the arena, and those seats are probably only comfortable if you are a size two or under! They are small seats, so mom and I were extra close all weekend! Thanks for taking the time out of your weekend to be here, mom. The memories from the weekend are precious, and will be cherished for many years to come.

"God's most precious work of art is the warmth and love of a mother's heart."

"A mother's heart is a special place where children always have a home."

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