Friday, May 2, 2008

Relaxing Afternoon

I had a relaxing afternoon as I went for a drive around Hauser Lake. The shores were lined with people and kids fishing. I saw at least ten different varieties of ducks, including wood duck, redheads, cinnamon teal, bufflehead, mallards, along with numerous other birds - blue heron, red-winged black birds, killdeer, and a variety of song birds. There were also many of my favorite, the Canadian goose. I tried to spot some goslings, but didn't see any. At one point, I pulled off alongside the road and listened as the black birds squawked, the meadowlark sang it's melodious song, and the Canadian geese honked. It made a beautiful Spring melody. Suddenly, a chorus of frogs started in so loud, I couldn't hear the birds anymore. I listened to them, each ribbiting in their own tone and timing, and it made me giggle. Evidently the giggle was too loud, because the frogs were suddenly quiet. Hauser Lake is spilling over it's banks quite a bit right now. It was so high at one point, there was a blue heron, a pair of mallards, and a couple killdeer all walking down the middle of the road together. It was an interesting sight as I rounded the corner to see that menagerie all walking down the middle of the blacktop. An osprey perched atop an eclectic pole, posed quite nicely for me so I could take it's picture. Maybe it was just deciding if I looked good for lunch. Actually, it was sitting right above where a little girl was fishing. I think it was trying to grab one of her fish for lunch! I had a very wonderful afternoon, out enjoying a beautiful Spring day, while watching God's creation all around me.


  1. You take such good pictures I can almost relax with you.

  2. I love that first picture on this post with the reflection of the trees and mountains in the water. If I ever get my cd finished, I want a picture like that to use as the cover.
