Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Garden

""Into every life a little rain must fall, but I think someone's mistaken me for Noah."" ~Allison Raul

"Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot,We'll weather the weather,Whatever the weather,Whether we like it or not!"

I was happy to look out at my flowers and garden this morning and see that they are not covered in white stuff. We were under a snow advisory last night when we went to bed. The mountains are socked in with clouds so I don't know if we got fresh snow in them or not. My poor garden is struggling enough right now with all the extreme wet we've had. That extreme wet has brought with it a lot of bugs, and my plants are fighting them off, as well as turning yellow from lack of sunshine. It's hard to believe the east coast is having 100 + degree weather! We went for a walk last night after dinner, and it was a nice night, for late October! The next couple nights are supposed to be very cold, so I keep praying my garden makes it through. It's hard to believe the longest day of the year is almost here, and we've only had a couple days of summer-like weather!

My flowers and garden are an important part of my life. Not only do I enjoy the harvest of fresh food, it is where I relax and think through everything going on in my life. It's a place and time where it's just me and God. God started life in a garden, so I can understand why it's easier to focus on Him there. It's hard to focus on God, though, when I go to my garden and everything is bright yellow, full of bugs, and not growing very well and the endless rain keeps pouring down. At this time, I have to remember that it is my choice to focus on God. He's still there and ready to be a part of the special time in the garden, I'm the one who is distracted and not focusing on Him. Hopefully, I will get some of that special time towards the end of the week because I could use a good garden talk with God right now. I could use some time to just get focus on Him, without all the distractions and let Him work on my heart as I work on my garden.

"Where flowers bloom, so does hope." ~ Lady Bird Johnson

"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful." ~Abram L. Urban

1 comment:

  1. You are right in the East here we are very hot. I do pray you find your garden time this week.
