Friday, June 27, 2008


"Each moment of the year has its own beauty - a picture that was never seen before and will never be seen again." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

So true. Each moment of each day is unique in it's own way. Each moment, each minute is new and fresh, and when it's gone, it will never return. Make the most of each moment and don't waste the time you have been given. Find beauty, love, and laughter along the path you walk and give it to those you encounter throughout your day. Sometimes, a smile goes a long way in someone's day so give them freely. Have fun! Stop by a playground and swing for a few moments like you are a kid again. It does amazing things for your soul. Enjoy those in your life and don't waste time being angry over petty things, instead love them deeply. Life goes by so fast, don't waste it, live it!!

When morning comes, let your love satisfy all our needs. Then we can celebrate and be glad for what time we have left. Psalm 90:14

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