Monday, July 28, 2008

Off to Camp

I am in a whirlwind of things that need to be finished up today. I leave for a week of middle school camp tomorrow and there's a lot left to do! I have to take most of my own food, since I have so many food allergies, so that adds a lot to the 'to do' plate. I'm trying to simplify watering the garden for my hubby since he will be home alone all week. My specific job at camp is to be in charge of games. It's amazing how hard it is to plan games for 150 + kids! The camp we are going to is loaded with things to do for their free time, but for the specific game time, I am planning blindfold dodgeball, a scavenger hunt, wacky olympics, and a hunt for the camp leaders who will be hiding around camp, along with a few standby games, just in case. After listening to the weather last night, it looks like I need to be prepared for a possible day of rain. So, there won't be many postings here over the week, but please check back soon!! Have a blessed week.


  1. My little family and I just went camping, and had an absolutely spectacular time! I never feel as close to our Creator as I do when I'm surrounded by His beauty, untouched by man. Hope you have a great time.
    Hey, as far as food allergies go, I don't know if you're aware of this, but the company I work for is Namaste Foods. They are absolutely fantastic, all free of gluten, wheat, dairy, corn, nuts of any kind, potato, soy and casein; and believe it or not, taste like all of the aforementioned are still in them! Sure, I'm a little biased, but still. If you haven't tried them, or would like to, I'd be happy to send you a few free samples, along with a cookbook chock full of allergen-free recipes. As a favor from one Christian blogger to another, okay?
    Another thing:The Shack. Have you read it yet? I don't know if you've read any of my rave reviews/ synopses (is that the correct plural form of synopsis? hope so) on HBO, but if not, please do. I posted one on Sunday's Wild Card which I really think sums up the story quite well. I suppose the writing isn't really all that spectacular, but the author gets major bonus points for originality, and although shockingly outside the norm in its descriptions of the Trinity and whatnot, it truly does seem to be scripturally sound.
    All in all, I can't recommend it highly enough. Please go read it, it will change your life! Believers and nonbelievers alike are being deeply touched by this story- it will either strengthen and reaffirm your faith, or at the very least shatter some of your preconceptions of what the Trinity really is all about. READ IT!!! :-)

  2. I'll praying for you at camp and all the fun and joy you will have.
