Sunday, August 17, 2008

Family Gathering

It's probably been 25-30 years since those of us that were around at that time have all been together in one place. On Saturday, we all got a little more reacquainted with each other as we spent six to eight hours together. We had a family get together with my parents and our family, my uncle and his family, my aunt and her family. The ages ranged from three to seventy-five. Part of the get together was to celebrate my aunt Donna's 75th birthday. Part of it was just to get reacquainted with one another. The younger generation didn't even know who part of the relatives were, which is scary since some are at dating age! We certainly don't need any of the family tree to miss a branch along the way, that is for sure, so glad we got the cousin introductions out of the way with them!! haha Our summertime family gatherings used to always ensure that a nasty water fight would break out sometime during the day. On Saturday, however, despite 96 degree temps, the water fights never really broke out until it was almost time to go, and very little retaliation was had by those who had water dumped on them. It could have been that it was so hot, no one cared, or that we've all aged so much that no one felt like chasing each other around the yard. One of my cousins sat on the deck in the shade for an hour saying he really wanted to dump water on different ones, or toss them in my sister's pond, but aside from him pouring a little water on my dad, his sister, and probably a couple others who got in the way, it didn't go much past the talking point.

The day included some badminton, a lot of talking and laughing, too much food, a ball on the roof, and a few canoe rides around the pond by some of the younger generation trying to find bull frogs because my uncle was offering $1 a frog so he could take them home to put in his pond. My cousin's son sat beside me and kept asking 'now who is that? How are they related?' I had to take everything back to his grandma, my aunt, and take the family tree out from there. I don't know that he ever figured it all out, but I think he was amused at all the new found relatives he has. The three youngest in the bunch had a great time playing all day, and for part of the day, they were the smart ones because they went inside the log house where it was cool to play.

One of my cousin's, who is a faithful reader of my blog, is scared to read what I may write on here today. I was tempted to put on a really funny picture of her on here, but no one tempted me with a dollar bribe so I will leave it off. (Inside joke!)

The day was full of many wonderful memories that will be cherished throughout the years. I hope we have the opportunity to all meet again like that soon, and share more laughter and build more memories.

Ball Retrieval

Okay, I got the ball, now how do I get down?

Two aunts (sister-in-law's) sharing a laugh


I don't even want to know what was being said with this bunch!

Water fight number 1

Hey, times are tough. A dollar a frog is a tough way to make a living, but they are young and need all the financial help they can get!!!

The youngest of the bunch

"Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future. We make discoveries about ourselves." Gail Lumet Buckley

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard

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