Friday, August 29, 2008

Shoes & Birthday

First of all, I would like to wish my sister a very happy birthday. I am blessed to have such a special sister in my life, and to share a wonderful friendship with her. Happy birthday, Jo!!
A sister is one of the nicest things that can happen to anyone. She is someone to laugh with and share with, to work with and join in the fun. She is someone who helps in the rough times,and knows when you need a warm smile. She is someone who will quietly listen, when you just want to talk for a while. A sister is dear to you always,for she is someone who is always a part of all the favorite memories that you keep very close to your heart.

I just got back from the mall. I'm not a mall person, so when I go, it's a rare occasion but I needed some new shoes. I found a great pair of Dansko's and even got a break on the price! At least the gal at Homestead helped me out. I had tried a one other places close to the Valley Mall before that, and finally was asked if I needed some help, and I told the guy what I was looking for and all he said were a couple brand names, then walked off. Gee, thanks! There's only twenty of each of those shoes, but I guess I was just supposed to figure it out. I went in a couple other stores, and no one waited on me, and I wondered what has happened to customer service! It was nice to be almost pampered at Homestead Birkenstock!

My new shoes!

While in the mall, I almost fell over the railing as I was walking along. I looked up to see a man well in his 60's, possibly 70's, dressed in four inch black stiletto heals, a cowboy hat, extremely short shorts, a ladies hot pink button down shirt, and believe me it was buttoned down so much that all the hair on his chest stuck out, and more makeup than I've ever seen anyone wear! I couldn't help but stare, and I had a really hard time not busting up laughing. I wondered if Candid Camera was hiding somewhere but I don't think they were, unfortunately. So this is what I miss by not going to the mall more than once a year! I wanted to pull out my camera phone and take a picture so I could post it here, but I did exhibit a bit of tact. I'm not sure when you are dressed like that, that you deserve people's tact, however. It would have been bad enough if a woman was dressed like that, and had on that much makeup, but a man made it even worse! I think someone should call Stacy London and report a What NOT to Wear fashion emergency! Besides, his feet have to be killing him!

His shoes!


  1. Oh you are crackin' me up this week! Please do include photos for us non-mall goers next time. Set your tact aside for the curious! Ha!

  2. That is funny. Thanks for sharing and giving me a laugh.
    Happy Birthday to your sister JO
