Thursday, September 11, 2008


It seems to me that too many Americans have forgotten the attacks on our nation seven years ago. Somehow, many defend the terrorists who attacked our country and killed thousands of people. Somehow, this has become America's fault with certain people. I don't get that at all! Actually, it makes me quite upset and I wonder what happened to America, to pride in being an American, to fighting for the country you live in. I wonder what has happened to our country and why so many work so hard to defend terrorists, but won't stand up and defend their own country? They cry out for human rights for the terrorists, but they protest those fighting for them so that they have the right to stand in protest of those who give their limbs, their lives, for their freedom.

Do you remember the feelings you had on that day? Do you remember how you felt when you saw the pictures, the live coverage? I do. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember feeling shocked, horrified, scared, sad, and angry that this happened by people who don't have any regard for human life. I remember having an extreme pride in America and for being mad that our land was attacked.

What happened to patriotism, to being proud of your country and standing up for it no matter what the cost? Why do we let the media, people who make up bogus movies about our country, totally change what we know is right and wrong in life? Have we become so inundated with media sources that we have forgotten how to think for ourselves, because seems that if the media or hollywoodites say something, people take it as gospel because they said it. Do we ever take time to really examine the FACTS? Do we take time to look into things ourselves and find out the truth? Look into people and issues for yourself, and don't be swayed by the media, by what one person says. I challenge you to think for yourself and not allow the media to sway your thoughts.

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (New Living Translation)


  1. Excellent blog today - the kids sat this morning and watched the coverage and got out the drawings they did the day of the attack when they drew flags and wrote down their feelings. Even though they were 5, 6 and 8 they understood and knelt in prayer.

  2. LLLH,
    Oh my heart breaks as I now explain the horrid events to my 4-year old. The questions, the shock, the sadness and grief expressed on his little face rip me to the quick. Praise God we know our own futures rest in His hands.

    ~ Aspire
