Friday, October 24, 2008

The Thief Strikes Again

Almost a year ago, I wrote about a thief. This thief lives with me, and is pretty much my constant companion when I'm not at work. The thief is not dangerous, at least not to me, but this thief is cunning and devious. This thief that lives with me has a mugshot......

Yes, it's my dog. Don't let that face fool you, she's a hard core thief! You see, my dog loves carrots! Last year, she jumped up in my raised beds and ate half a row of carrots in no time flat. Well, this year I was determined to not let that happen again so I put a fence around my carrots a couple weeks ago so she couldn't get in them. A couple days ago, I looked out my bedroom window, which overlooks my garden, and noticed that somehow that roll of fence had been moved. I thought that was strange because neither my husband or I had been back there since I put the fence around the bed, at least not at the garden. I went out to inspect further, and noticed a couple carrot tops were on the ground, and that there were fresh dog tracks in the garden. I still have no idea how she moved the fence, but she did. Well, I took the roll of fence and strung it around that middle raised bed much better than the first time. Much to my dismay, and amazement, my dog has still figured out a way to get in this garden bed and eat the carrots. Between the fence and raised bed, it has to be at least three feet tall, probably more, and my dog will be turning 7 in a week, so she's not as spry as she used to be, or so I think. I went out to my garden yesterday to find that over half my carrots have been, once again, dug up and eaten. Like I said a year ago, we have a very tall fence around our yard, so the only one who can get in there is my dog, or a neighbor cat. I'm sure my dog would love to blame the neighbor cats, however, there are large paw prints in the freshly dug up soil and they seem to match my dogs foot. I'm pretty much stumped at this point on how to keep her out without putting up a five foot fence around the few carrots that are left. I keep trying to catch her in the bed, but she's a crafty dog and doesn't get caught. I have enclosed these mugshots just in case you see this face around your carrots so that you too do not fall victim to this innocent looking thief! Please take note, do not allow your carrots anywhere near this dog as she will inflict bodily harm upon them and they will never recover!! This public service announcement is for the benefit of all carrots out there. You have been warned!


  1. We had a similar problem at our house a few years ago - except it was not carrots nor a dog - it was tools and an emu. My husband was working on the barn and his tools kept coming up missing and of course, our son, Marcus who was about 7 years old at the time got in trouble for hauling off his dads tools. After Marcus pleaded innocent with big tears a further investigation found that our emu was taking the tools to the corner of her pen and stashing them!!!

  2. Oh yes indeed those doggies are sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. Ours ate our entire garden one year...from radishes (and the tops) to carrots to lettuce. And they even learned to "pick" peas & beans & berries! Crazy critters. This year we had to put up a deer/rabbit/dog fence!

    Simple Country Girl

  3. That is so funny. You should set one of those nanny cams up and see if you can catch her. That would be a funny video
