Thursday, November 13, 2008

Foreign Object in the Sky

There is something foreign out my window today! I believe it's called the sun. We have had a lot of gray days already, and it makes me wonder what the winter is going to be like when it's already been this gray and we are just part way into November. I will enjoy the sunshine as much as possible today. I do, however, have to go to work today, where my cubicle walls are gray, as well. I think I need to hang some pictures up, although my walls are pretty full of upcoming events and calendars. It's amazing how the weather affects peoples attitudes. I was out a little while yesterday to pick up a few groceries, and people were talking how the gray has really affected their moods already and they don't know how they will make it through the winter. I think part of it is that people are still thinking of last winter, the never-ending winter, and wonder if it will be another year where we still have snow in June. Today, however, it is sunny!!! The sky is blue and the sun is out and it brought a smile to my face as I went around and opened up all the blinds and curtains on the windows. So, before it's gone, I am going to go enjoy it!

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24


  1. WooHoo...isn't is BEAUTIFUL! :)

  2. It has been gray here too. I do see a change in my families mood without the sun.
