Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Color Me Red

I slept very little on Monday night. I am sure I saw every hour and half hour. I didn't actually make it to bed until after 1:00 and the alarm went off at 5:00, but I was already up. We made an icy drive to Spokane and back, and I was at work by 7:30. I was texting my husband and he was texting me, and I was working on files and lists of names while all this was going on. I sent a text to my boss to tell him I was in two hours early and wondering if there was anything in particular he wanted me to work on. He sent me back a couple things, and I sent him a text back saying I would see him when he got in. My cousin who was headed on a trip across Washington sent me a couple texts in all this to see how the roads were on our early morning commute. I actually can type on the computer and type on my phone at the same time, so work was not interrupted while all this texting back and forth was taking place. My husband sent me a text and I replied to him to be safe and that I loved him. A few minutes later, I got a text from my boss saying he thought highly of me too, but he was sure my text of love was for my hubby. I turned several shades of red, then giggled as I realized what I had done, and turned more shades of red. The people walking by my cubicle stared at me as they wondered why my face was crimson and I was laughing when I was sitting by myself. See, my hubby and my boss have very similar names, in fact, the first three letters in their name are the same and they both have not ordinary names on top of it. Somehow, I sent my text of love to my boss, not my hubby. When my boss arrived at work, he really played it up, as I knew he would, and I turned red all over again. Fortunately, we all knew it was a slip up and all had a good laugh over it. Everytime I have texted my hubby since, I have made sure it has his name on it, and there have even been a couple times I've caught myself laughing again. The moral of the story is to pay attention when texting, especially when working on two other projects, which is all accompanied by major lack of sleep.


  1. that is a GORGEOUS picture you have in your header. Is that the barn over by Freddie's??? Incredible sky shot...

  2. No, it's out on the Rathdrum Prairie. Thank you! It was a very stormy afternoon, but it made for some great pictures.

  3. That is funny. So what did hubby say when you text to tell him? He laughed didn't he. Yes this will stick with you awhile.

  4. Funny situation with your boss! I once answered my telephone with "Hey there, Babe!" assuming, based on the caller ID, it was my wife. It was her mother, whose cell phone number is the same as hers, except for the last digit. She still likes telling everyone her son in law thinks she's a babe!
