Thursday, January 29, 2009

What's on Your List?

I was reading a devotion this morning from John Eldredge. He was talking about what he I thought I would add just a few things from my list. I love flowers, all kinds. I love to be out in the mountains. I love waterfalls, hummingbirds, golden retrievers, lakes. I love the ocean and sitting beside it and realizing how small I am and how big God is. I love sunsets. I love my husband and after being together for 22 years, I love him more and more every day. I love my family. I love watching our younger nieces discover things for the first time and seeing the wonder on their faces. I love to discover old barns or homesteads. I love God. I love to laugh. I love the first snow, and I love Christmas. I love truth. I love to take pictures. I love music. I love true friends, who are there for you no matter what the circumstances. I love fresh vegetables, preferably out of my garden. I love to watch wildlife out in the woods. I love the cross and the Savior who died on it for me. I love to watch eagles, whether they are soaring high above in the sky, sitting on a tree limb, or diving into the water after a fish, they are amazing to observe.

John writes:
Everything you love is what makes a life worth living. Take a moment, and make a list of all the things you love. Don’t edit yourself; don’t worry about prioritizing or anything of that sort. Simply think of all the things you love. Whether it’s the people in your life or the things that bring you joy or the places that are dear to you or your God, you could not love them if you did not have a heart. Loving requires a heart alive and awake and free. A life filled with loving is a life most like the one that God lives, which is life as it was meant to be (Ephesians. 5:1–2). Of all the things that are required of us in this life, which is the most important? What is the real point of our existence? Jesus was confronted with the question point-blank one day, and he boiled it all down to two things: loving God and loving others. Do this, he said, and you will find the purpose of your life. Everything else will fall into place. Somewhere down inside we know it’s true; we know love is the point. We know if we could truly love, and be loved, and never lose love, we would finally be happy. And is it even possible to love without your heart? (
Waking the Dead , 47–48)

It would be great to read some of your lists of what you love, what makes you who you are, so if you fee like it, please share.


  1. I'm thinking this might be a good post for Valentine week. That is if I remember.

  2. I love sunshine, ducks splashing in the water and goslings. I love my husband and children, parents and family. I love God and love that my children love God. I love to listen to my kids pray. I love quiet times and noisy times. I love strawberry salad, mashed potatoes and gravy and ham. I love watching sports and cheering for my kids. I love to remember the the times that my mom and I giggled over the silliest of things. I love making my husband laugh. I love scrapbooking and quilting. I love my friends who are always there. I love old people. I also love young people but there is wisdom beyond years in the elderly. I love the warmth of a wood stove. I love the 4th of July and patriotic things. I love Christmas, the shopping, the baking, the Christmas story, the decorating and the get togethers. I love sharing recipes. I love the relationship I have with Jesus Christ. When you start naming things you love, you realize there are too many things to name off and how many blessings you have if you take the time to think about them. Thanks for helping me remember.

  3. I love God, my husband, our children & their spouses and our grandchildren. I love my memories of my parents. I love flowers, sunshine, gardening, walks in the mountains or just sitting by a stream listening to the sounds of nature. I love Christmas and all the decorations and time with family but mostly that it is the celebration of Jesus birth. I love when the sun shines on the new fallen snow and it looks like thousands of diamonds. I love taking pictures of wildlife, old farm buildings, scenery and family. I love to do geneology, quilt, make cards, knit, bake goodies. I love helping our granddaughters learn how to do these things. Life is good, Mom
