Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Challenge to Readers

I know there are people who read this blog but don't comment, but today, I would really like to challenge everyone reading to comment. I am going to leave this post up for a couple days because I am curious to read some of your responses to the following word. I wonder what you think of when you read or hear the word, what you feel, what the word means to you, or doesn't mean to you. No, this isn't a psychological experiment, just a curious writer who has been contemplating the many aspects of life while being sick the past few days.

The word for the day is:


  1. You know me, I comment like crazy. Like a friend crazy to join your voice in lifting up our Redeemer.


    I recently heard something like don't know how to really live, until you know how to die.

    Now, I am not being morbid. It is the Truth.

    For me, LIFE means...
    - doing the most you can with what God has given you (time, money, talents...)

    - and by doing the most, you mustn't forget the least (because they are the most, really--precious widows, wondrous children, the poor, the unsaved)

    L love
    I intentionally
    F for
    E eternity

    LOVE others (as God commands us to do),

    INTENTIONALLY (on purpose and by going out of your way to do it),

    FOR (because now is now & others need to see God's love lived out right this minute)

    ETERNITY (means forever & they need to know that "life" if just the starting line).

    Love & Blessings,

  2. short. Live it to the fullest each day.

  3. LLLH,
    Your blog inspired my blog today.

  4. choosing Life, instead of death. Don't remember chapter and verse but somewhere in the OT it says to choose life.

  5. life is here and now and some days are good some days stink you are born and you die and there's stuff that happens in between

  6. For me Life means living with Jesus. I don't know if I could do this living thing without him daily.

  7. Life - its a precious gift we have been given - it should not be taken for granted. Life even with the struggles, frustrations, and disappointments lived by a Christian is a great life (and for Christians it will be an eternal life spent with Jesus Christ. Get to know Him - your life will become more meaningful and you will value other lives which has been lost in our country.
