Thursday, March 26, 2009

This Day

It's sunny this morning, but in the low 20's! But, the sun is out!!! I wonder what happened...if March comes in like a lion, it's supposed to go out like a lamb. Evidently it was a fierce lion and it ate the lamb, because it has dominated the entire month! Hopefully, someone comes along and boots it out of April.

When you live in north Idaho, there is very little that affects mood more than the weather, and people's moods have definitely been down and grumpy this past week, mine included. I think once the calendar claims it's Spring, we all expect to see some Spring weather, not more winter. We get teased with a nice day and all get our hopes up, and bam, we get several more inches of snow and bone-chilling cold! Our trees and flowers are trying to survive, as they yearn for Spring as well. The Robins look like frozen statues as they wonder why they are here, as do the killdeer, who are trying to find a place to nest. I think this past week, they all moved to Lewiston, so they don't freeze.

On week's like this, it can be difficult to remember what Psalm 118:24 says: This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. However, if I do have that as my focus, my grumpiness is less because my focus is on the fact that God gave me another day, and I need to not waste it, and live that day for Him, not me. I need to take that day and look for opportunities to help others, to reach out to the hurting, to find joy, and to be thankful to God for allowing me to have another day to make a difference. I need to love those around me, and be an example in my life, speech, attitude, and actions. I need to remember, that despite the weather, God loves me and gave me the breath I am currently breathing. He didn't give it to me so that I can whine and complain, he gave it to me to praise Him and to live a life that is going to make a difference, even if it is just a small difference. You never know what a difference a smile, a kind word, taking time to listen, will make to someone so don't waste your day, live your day, each day you are given, so that you don't have any regrets.

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