Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Living in the present means squarely accepting and responding to it as God's moment for you now while it is called "today" rather than wishing it were yesterday or tomorrow. ~Evelyn Underhill

We do that, don't we? I know I do. I will forget to live for today, to live for each moment given to me. Think how different life would be if we did live, accept, and respond to each moment. Life would be so much more full of life, rather than living in the what if's, if only's, or should have's. Live today for today, to the fullest of it's potential, so you don't have to live in the if only's after this day is done.


  1. This seems to be the thought for today. Seveal sites I read are all talking about today not tomorrow are yesterday. Hmmm is God trying to tell me somehting?

  2. We will serve God in a much better way if we live for today making the most of it and helping others along the way, not dwelling on the mistakes of the past, or procrastinating a task or project thinking we can get it done later. Its kind of like the "I love you's" or taking a walk in the rain - how many times do we wish we could say I love you to someone just one more time or go for a walk and giggle in the rain???
