Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Being There for Others

Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. ~Leo Buscaglia

Are you willing to smile at someone you meet as you walk by them? It's one of the easiest things there is to do, but it can really brighten up someone's day. You never know when you will be the only one in that persons day who gave them the free gift of a smile. I know that smiles always brighten my days! How about just saying something nice to someone or doing something nice for someone? Have you lost connection with an old friend? Why not pick up the phone and give them a call. You never know what may be going on in their life that they need to talk about. After receiving a text last night, I made a connection with someone I have lost contact with over the past couple months. She needed to talk, as she's going through some very tough stuff right now. I'm glad I made the call, even though it would have been easy to ignore.

I met with the teens I work with and most of them just really need someone willing to listen. One is struggling with depression, and she has a history of cutting, but hasn't cut for two months. She is trying to use some of the tools she is learning to keep from letting her messed up home where alcoholism rules the house, keep from bringing her down, but she is down. She really opened up last night, so I hope and pray that helps her. She cuts because the pain of cutting feels better than the pain she is dealing with in her home. I didn't try to fix her, nor did the others in the room. We just listened. Most people just want someone in their lives who will REALLY listen to them. Someone who will focus on them, not on what is going on around them, like the tv, cell phones, other people.

Why did every girl in my group say they were lonely or depressed last night? Because we have become a nation focused on self. We don't want to be bothered by others problems or take the time to listen. But, when you do take the time to engage in someone else's life, you reap the rewards as your heart is doing what it was meant to do. If we love God, and love others, our lives have purpose and meaning. Acts of kindness and caring makes a difference to the receiver, and it makes a difference in the giver, as well.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right. Especially in times such as these, we must pour our love upon those around us.

    Thank you for the insight and reminder!
