Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I went to work early on Monday, so I could leave early. The forecast was saying temps in the low 70's and I just had to get out and enjoy at least part of the day. I arrived home early afternoon, and headed to one flower bed. I must say, the weeds seemed to have multiplied over the winter! I had pesky knapweed and annoying clover trying to ruin my tiered bed. I put on the gloves, grabbed the shovel and went to work digging those weeds out. After I was finished, I planted a few new lilies in the upper tier, and will save the lower tier for petunias. I also took some time to just sit in the sun for a few minutes, basking in the wonderful heat! It felt so good, especially on a body that had been digging and bending for over an hour. As I was sitting on my bench, I enjoyed listening the mourning doves, red-winged black birds, song sparrows, kill deer, and I even heard a meadowlark. Not bad for living in town! I know spring has officially arrived because I was also chased away from one area of the yard by some wasps, and I saw some yellow jackets out front.

My hubby gave me some beautiful Martha Washington geraniums for Easter. While it's still too cold to plant them in the ground, they enjoyed a day out!

In my front flower bed, the violets and one tulip plant made their grand appearance, as well! It was a wonderful day to be outside, enjoying God's beauty. My hubby and I worked in the yard until dark, and we got a lot accomplished. Thank you God, for such an amazing day.

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