Thursday, April 23, 2009


On Tuesday, when it got close to 80 degrees, I heard several people worried about 'if it's this hot already, how hot will it be this summer?' I wanted to say as I was walking by these groups of people, IT'S TEMPORARY, enjoy it!! I have lived here for 33 years, and the one thing you can count on is that the weather will change. We get teased with a nice day here and there this time of year, but they are usually few and far between. I know a few of these people, and some were complaining about global freezing a week before the three days of nice weather arrived. A friend texted me this morning 'SORRY.' I didn't know why she was texting me that. Did she know something I didn't know about my job, a family member or friend, or what??? I texted her back and asked why she was sorry. She asked if I had looked outside this morning. I had from a distance awhile ago, but not recently as I was getting ready for work. I opened up the curtain and saw tiny snowflakes coming down. I shut the curtain back up! I just opened up some other curtains, and now the snow is the size of a quarter, coming down extremely heavy. I am not amused! Not at all. I have flowers blooming! I planted bok choy and spinach in my garden. I want to go up to those people who were worried about the hot temperatures and ask if they are still worried about the weather this summer! I am. I think of how it snowed on June 10th last year, and hope it doesn't do the same this year!

1 comment:

  1. We are to have the 80's this week end I hope we don't have snow following.
