Thursday, April 2, 2009


I have three new inches of snow in my yard this morning, and it's still snowing. To put it mildly, I am grumpy!! Since it's obvious from the weather across our country that global warming is a big farce, made up to waste tax payer dollars, I have an idea to create our own global warming. I think everyone who has a portable heater needs to take it outside, plug it in and turn it on high. Call your neighbors and tell them to do the same. Find your extension cords, and drag those heat producing units to your yard, people! Send the kids out with hair dryers, and let's start melting this snow away!! It's time to end the global freezing we are going through, and send the snow away until Christmas! Do it for your kids on spring break. Do it for the Robins, the Killdeer, and all other birds who don't like snow. Do it for the sanity of those of us who are about to lose ours. If we all work together, we can accomplish this goal! Let's unite, and bring on the heat.


  1. Friend, I think you have officially crossed over to side of lunacy. That is okay, I often say I am the bus driver to Crazy Town, so hop aboard. On this ride we hang our heads out the windows and holler real loud! ;-)

  2. Do you know the very first thing I thought of this morning when I woke up? Right after I yelped and screamed "Oh my goodness, doesn't anyone know it's April!"? Huh? The very next thing that went through my head was "I can't wait to read Connie's blog today, she's going to be SO happy" LOL I almost texted you just to hear your response to the blanket of white.
