It was a busy weekend! The sun was out and our temperatures reached 60 on Sunday!! Part of the weekend was spent helping the nieces find Easter dresses. They tried on several, but finally made their minds up on which ones to get.
I spent much of my weekend thinking of and praying for my friend who lost her grandma early Saturday morning. I know their hearts ache, and that they miss her very much. I hope they can feel the prayers that are surrounding them in this time of sorrow.
We finally got our boat this weekend. We spent some time on the water in training on how to use it, then we loaded up our dog and went out on Lake Coeur d'Alene for a bit. It was cold out on the water on Saturday, but we still had a great time. One thing that didn't go over well with me was when I was standing on the dock, after we finished our training. This couple walks by, and the man is looking at the boat. The guy we are with from the Marina says that we just finished up training because it's a new boat, and the guy in a very snide voice says, 'Wow, it must be nice to not have the economy affecting you and be able to buy a boat!' First, I wanted to tell him it was none of his business, and since he had walked to Hayden Lake, I really doubted he lived in a shack! He was dressed in high end designer labels, as well, so don't talk to me about money. The second thing I wanted to tell him was that yes, we had a bit of a taste of the bad economy since my husband was laid off in November, and we lost three quarters of his retirement because of the stock market. Third, I wanted to tell him that we've wanted a fishing boat for a long time, and have put some money away, plus were using money from some inheritance my husband got from his grandparents estate, but instead I didn't say anything. The guy from the Marina did, though. He said, 'Well, you can't take it with you, and life is short, so why not enjoy it.' The guy just stuck his nose higher in the air as he walked on. Despite the comment, we enjoyed our day. I found it funny to watch men as we were loading the boat up, just staring at it, almost in a lust-filled sort of way. This boat is not a big fancy boat, it's just a simple fishing boat, that holds four people. It's better than the little row boat we've had, and we will enjoy it, but it's pretty simple. I just find it quite funny how men stare at boats. I've never noticed it before, because no one ever stared at our tiny, old row boat!
We also did a lot of yard work this weekend. I cleaned out my flowerbeds and garden beds, as much as I could. Part of the front lawn was raked, windows were washed, the front porch was washed down. It felt good to get some of the winter yuck off the house and yard. It felt great to sit in the sun and feel warmth!
Looking forward to a boat ride! The girls are absolutely adorable. Mine don't want to dress up anymore.