Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sunshiny Day

Yesterday was a gorgeous day! It was in the low 80's. My hubby had the day off because we were supposed to be on vacation, but we didn't make it. He finished our paver patio in the morning, and I planted the garden. In the afternoon, we went for a drive. We headed down the lake, and took some roads we have never been on. We had no idea where we would end up, or if after we drove for an hour, if we would have to turn around and go back. We finally came out to a road we knew and were close to the highway. On our trip, we enjoyed the beautiful lake, we saw a hen turkey, geese, ducks, and as we rounded the corner on one turn, we were blessed to see two bull elk. They didn't stick around long enough for me to switch lenses, so I didn't get a picture. It was a great day, and I enjoyed spending it with my hubby, even if we weren't on the Oregon coast.


  1. What a beautiful picture.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog.
    I have started the posts from our most recent "Grandparent Disney trip" with a look into the eyes of my little guys from this "Grammy"! Also every comment counts as an entry for the May giveaway. (See Monthly Card Box Giveaway"!) Stop by for a visit when you have some time.

  2. Whenever you post photos, especially of the lakes, I want to jump in the ole Dodge and drive right over to my growing-up places! Soon, we will meet when you get to my side of the mountains...

    Blessings, friend.
