I caught the end of one of my favorite movies as we were packing up to leave our motel room. The movie is August Rush. I love when he says, "The music is all around you, all you have to do is listen."
Where do you hear music? Do you hear it in the birds as they sing, a stream that trickles down a hillside, the wind as it howls, water as it hits the shoreline, whether it be at a lake in a soft, gentle melody, or in a strong concert like setting of the ocean? Where do you hear the music that is all around you, or do you? Do you take the time to hear it or do you rush through life and never hear the beautiful music that God has put all around us? There are many places you can hear the music that is all around you, if you take some time to be quiet and listen.
Take some time today to enjoy the concert that God has made just for you to hear.
Friend, isn't it amazing how God speaks to our hearts simultaneously giving each a similar message? Oh, the wonders of our mighty God!