Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Patriotism-love for or devotion to one's country

I recently heard someone say that patriotism is at an all time low in our country. I thought about it for a few minutes, and sadly agreed. It seems people are quick to put down our military, but defend the terrorists who killed our people on our own soil. People seem more willing to fight for these people than they are willing to to stand up for our country, our freedom, our constitution. It seems many are willing to easily give up what our ancestors, our grandparents, parents, uncles, sons and daughters, friends, have fought so hard to defend and preserve. To me, many may not even realize how easily they have been swayed to let their freedoms go and not stand up for them. It's like a lobster. When he gets put in a pot, he doesn't realize he's about to die because the water is cold, but the temperature slowly rises, until before he knows it, he's dead. The same thing is happening in our country. People are letting our rights and freedoms be taken away at an alarming rate, but it's being done in a way where most people don't even realize how much they are losing because it's packaged up nice or it's told to us that we will 'benefit' from it, when it is actually causing us to die as the great nation we once were. Our national news media is partly to blame. They like to twist things around and have amazing control over people's thoughts. If you listen to the national media, the Iraqi people hate America. I had some friends recently spend three weeks there, and they said the opposite it true. For the most part, the Iraqi people have deep respect and gratitude for Americans, and that the Iraqi people actually come up and say thank you. Do you hear that in the news media? No.

Do you remember the brief time after 9-11 when we were actually united as a country, we stood together, ready to fight for our flag and what it stood for? Why did that all change so fast? What made the pride that Americans felt for our country disappear? Why did Americans give up the fight so fast, and roll over and stop supporting our troops, our country, and our flag? Why? In my opinion, it's because of the saturation and mind control of the national media in our country. They tell us to think a certain way, they put down what is true and right, and they tell us how to think and if we don't think that way, we are wrong. We, as a nation, have become media robots, almost like a bunch of brainwashed cult members who have no idea to think for themselves.

I recently read that alcohol abuse is skyrocketing with those serving our country. Their morale is very low. They feel like their country is against them, not supporting them. How sad. No matter what you think of war, you should support your troops, your country! I have relatives and friends currently serving, and I know they are not feeling support from their country, but quite the opposite. One told me she felt more supported for her service by those in other countries than she does her own! That statement broke my heart.

Let me ask you, do you remember our troops? Do you thank them, send them emails and packages to support them, or say thank you when you see one in public places? Are you willing to stand up for your country, for your flag, and be proud to be an American again? It's time to wake up as Americans and take a stand for our freedoms and what is right, to take a stand for our country, and restore some American pride again.

If you need some reminders about our military and what they sacrifice for us, maybe it's a good time to rent Band of Brothers, Flags of Our Fathers, Saving Private Ryan, or Pearl Harbor and remember, and be grateful.

On this Independence week, I pray for patriotism to return to our country, and I pray for our freedoms, our troops, and our leadership.

1 comment:

  1. I yearn for the heart and strength I see in black & white photos of my grandpa's generation. God, country, family... they had their priorities in line; didn't wait for a hand-out when times where hard, just buckled down and worked harder; helped neighbors and strangers in need...

    And I agree with you re: the media's blatant misrepresentation of a myriad of issues. We unplugged from the tv beast in December and haven't missed a thing.

    I, too, pray for our service men and women and their families. They deserve our prayers, support, and thanks.

    Blessings, friend.
