Thursday, June 11, 2009

Relaxing Evening

We went out in the boat last night. It was nice to just go enjoy a beautiful evening, even though the water looked like it was covered in snow from the cottonwood fluff. The fluff was so bad as we left town, that it seriously looked like a snow storm. Despite allergy season, we had a great night and did a little fishing, but mainly just enjoyed being out on the lake. We were graced with the presence of osprey, a wild turkey, grebes, numerous ducks, and a nice man who came along side our boat just to chat and admire our dog for a few moments, and some nice young teens up at the dock who told us a whole bunch of fish stories. We also enjoyed a blue heron who kept flying right in front of our boat, probably four times. I seriously thought at one point it was going to join us in the boat! It must be a male heron, because he really seemed to like our boat, and our Lund boat seems to get men's attention! It is something I don't understand, probably because I'm a girl. To me, it's just a boat. Yes, the nicest boat we've ever had, but it only holds four people at the most, so it's not a show boat. We enjoy it, so guess that is the main thing!

The best site of the night happened just at dusk, which would explain why there are not any pictures of this incredible site. I looked up in time to see two eagles headed right over us. They were flying side by side, then they touched talons four different times as they flew down the lake. It was amazing! They were so close!!! I asked my husband why they couldn't have done that ten minutes earlier so I could have gotten their picture!! Regardless, we enjoyed watching them and felt blessed to have had them fly right over us and put on their little aerial show! We stayed out until we started getting dive-bombed by bats. At that point, I slid my hood over my head, and told my husband to hurry up and get back to the dock! I am not a fan of bats, even if they do eat those pesky mosquitoes!
It was a relaxing night, and a beautiful night. It was nice to spend some time out in the boat with my husband.

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