Monday, June 1, 2009

The Weekend

Surgery recovery is not a fun thing, especially when they have done minimally invasive surgery. I seen to believe I should be further along in recovery than I am, and then I remember that they did remove an organ from my body. My mom was here all weekend to help out, and my husband and my mom got a lot done. I had to just sit back and watch, which is very hard to do especially when it comes to the garden and flower garden area. Mom got everything planted that I hadn't finished and my hubby built me an extra bed for tomatoes because we ran out of room. I think there are still a few tomatoes to plant, but we have some big pots they can be put in.

Yesterday, the whole family was here for my niece's birthday party. We had a great time. The guys all tried to figure out how to finish up the unfinished space in the garden. They came up with some elaborate ideas, but I just want a simple English garden look to the area, so most of those plans were changed and replaced with a new plan. The girls ran through the new sprinkler which is a giant inflatable porcupine and it's quills spray water and they spray quite far as we all found out.

I am thankful for my family. I am especially grateful to my mom and hubby who had to take care of me for three days. I appreciate all you both have done for me!

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