Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to My Sis

Today is my sister's birthday. I would say how old she is, but I may get in trouble. She is at the end of a decade, and next year, her age will be made public because she sure enjoyed telling everyone when I hit that milestone! haha It's fun to be the older sister sometimes. My sister is a great mom, who loves her girls deeply. She is a very hard worker, sometimes too hard, and at those times, as a big sis, I worry about her, and wish she would just relax a little more instead of working so hard, but she keeps a very busy schedule with her husband and girls, the horses, her pup, and around their home. She has an amazing gift in the music field. She has a beautiful singing voice and we all enjoy when she plays the piano. She also makes beautiful scrapbooks for all of us. My sister is my friend, and although we didn't always get along very well as kids, I am blessed as an adult to say she is my close friend and I miss hanging out with her like we used to do when we lived just a couple miles from each other. So today on this special birthday (the one that mom keeps turning) I wish my sis a very happy day, filled with a lot of JOY and happiness. I would wish her a nap, but she's working at the Fair, so the nap will have to wait until Sunday! I love you and hope your day is as special as you are to me!


  1. You are so blessed to have a sister - I too am blessed to count both of you as sisters in Christ.

  2. Real funny on the age comment, honey. I really enjoyed your "tribute" to your younger sister. Love, Mom
